shot seventeen: drunk words are sober thoughts; part two

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He looked at her as if she'd just punched him. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

She shrugged, her lips pulling up into a smirk.


"Yeah," Lydia grinned. "He totally likes you. And you've already told me about how you're practically in love with him. You should ask him out."

Tommy smiled, hiding his blush in his pillow. "I'm not in—are you messing with me?" He mumbled.

"No," she grew serious. "I wouldn't joke about that kind of thing."

He bit his lip, looking up again. "Okay. I'll do it."


It was at lunch--when Leo and Lydia were talking amiably about great authors from the Beat Era--that Tommy approached their small end of the table, and sat down next to Lydia.

"Hi. Can I join you guys?"

"Sure," Lydia said and smiled. "Why aren't you with Schuyler?"

"She's absent. Do you not want me here?"

"No, no, stay. It's totally fine. There's no problem. It gets a little lonely here anyway," Lydia grinned back and glanced at Leo, who was looking down at his uneaten lunch.


Schuyler wasn't actually just absent. Her parents had forced her to move out of the school when they'd found out that her best friend was gay. It had struck Tommy as an incredulous overreaction, but he didn't have any say in it. He could still text her, though, and he texted for her to come to his house party--the party to which he invited both Lydia and Leo.

The party had alcohol, food, blue lighting, faerie lights, and glow in the dark stars pasted everywhere, but to Leo, it mostly consisted of Tommy. Lydia hung out with her boyfriend, and Schuyler hung out with hers, and Tommy was left to converse with Leo. He walked over to where Leo was sitting on the counter drinking cider and hopped up to sit next to him. But he sat just the tiniest bit too close for them to act like they weren't both blushing madly. Their shoulders were touching, but they weren't pressing against one another, and their knees were barely touching as well.

It had been three hours since the party had started, and everyone was a little drunk, even Tommy and Leo. Tommy had gotten a little drunk on purpose, just so he knew that the words would come out faster and because he'd heard a really famous saying.

"Hey, Leo. What's up?"

"I'm a little drunk, and I think I'm up," Leo said, looking at Tommy, his eyes twinkling in the faerie lights. Tommy's cheeks reddened further.

"I think I'm a little drunk too," he said, taking another sip of his apple cider. Leo bit his lip and looked down at his hands which were folded on his lap around his cider bottle.

There was silence between them, but the music overtook the silence and Troye Sivan's voice gave Tommy a spark of energy and put some words in his mouth. Leo leant forward, and gripped the edge of the counter, his knuckles turning white.

"Hey, uh, Leo?"


"Do you wanna hang out sometime and like get some coffee or something?"

Leo smiled. "I'd love to," he said, barely audible over the cranked music, and hesitantly, Tommy put his hand next to Leo's and their pinkies touched. Lydia was secretly watching as she saw Leo put his head on Tommy's chest, and she squealed a little bit to herself. Her boyfriend had left a few minutes ago, and she was lonely. Now, she turned away, not wanting to get involved, and sought out Schuyler. She'd seen his boyfriend leave, and she knew Schuyler didn't have too many friends here.

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