shot twenty-five: letter tracing game (flash fiction)

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"Is it... wait, do it again," Bri, murmured, puzzled. I traced the word on her back again.

"Ohhhh, I get it! Is the word... sugar?"

I giggled. "Yeah, it is. Okay, my turn."

"Alright," Bri said as we settled down again. I pulled my shirt down over my back again, and she pulled hers up her back. "I won't do the most obvious thing, like the name of my cat," she said sarcastically, and I giggled.

"Alright, fine, but I couldn't think of anything, Bri," I said defensively, and earned a giggle from her side.

"Alright, Jess," she rolled her eyes, and I giggled back.

"Just goooo," I whined, and grinned at her. She shrugged, a smirk coming across her face.

"Okay... lemme think... uh, okay I got one."

She started tracing a word on my back and smiling deviously. I turned my head towards the wall in front of us to try to see what she was doing in my mind. Her finger drew crisscrosses and spirals on my back, but I couldn't tell what she was doing.

"Gimme a hint," I said and heard her chuckle.

"No way. It's easy; is that a good enough hint?"

"No, but do it again, I want to guess," I laughed at her groan. "I'm sorryyyy."

"No, no, it's fine," Bri whispered and traced it on my back again.

"Uhhhmm, Ladybug?"


I arched my back, stretching out of my slumped position. "Okay, just once more, and I lose for this round."

She giggled and traced it slowly one more time.

"Oh! Ladybird! Like the movie?"

"Yeah," she said as I let my shirt drop over my back and turned to face her.

"That was a really good movie."

"Yeah. Your turn?"

"Sure," I affirmed and she sat in front of me, and pulled her shirt up over her back.

I thought of what to trace. So far she'd been really good. Perhaps, just maybe I could trace something serious. So I smiled.

"Ready?" I asked, the smile not lowering off of my face.

"Anytime you are, freak."

"Just asking, nerd," I replied, and we chortled together.

I drew out the words, one by one, naming them the first, second, and third word as I went along, and when I was finished, she inhaled sharply.

"Trace it again, I think I got it wrong."

I did as she said, and bit my lip, as she let her shirt fall over her back once more, and turned to me.

"Y-you do, Jess?"

I nodded, blushing, looking down at my hands, but she her thumb and forefinger brought my chin back up again, and then I realised how awkwardly close we were. I inhaled as our eyes met, a spark of what felt like magic soaring way too high in my chest. And all of a sudden, our lips were together, and they were moving together, and we were both happy; I could feel it.

And I could feel that we were both waiting for this to happen for way too long.

"I love you too," she Bri whispered.

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