shot twelve: and there's one more thing

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Oliver's hands were clenched into fists inside of his sweater pockets as he willed himself to walk in step with Ethan, the notorious gay of their smallish friend group. Ethan wasn't exactly flamboyant, but he wasn't hiding anything either. He was tall, would wear makeup to school sometimes or wear clothing that was deemed feminine--or too feminine for boys to be wearing.

Oliver, on the other hand, was quite the opposite. He was closeted. He was stuck deep in the closet and didn't know how to get out. But the bad thing was that he was also absolutely in love with Ethan. But he hadn't come out yet. But he was in love. But he hadn't come out.

Also, there was another problem. Ethan and Oliver were best friends. And what if dating ruined that friendship? That was Oliver's main concern.

"Oh, hey Oliver!" Ethan said as his best friend fell into step with him in the hallway. Oliver smiled.

"Hi," he replied quietly.

Ethan grinned. "You look stressed or something. Is it that stupid social studies project?"

Oliver smiled back at him and sighed. "That, and something else. Do you wanna come over tonight? There's a good movie at the theatre, and since the testing was today, there isn't homework..."

"Yeah, that would be great. I was actually going to ask if I could crash at yours tonight, cause my mum and dad are out of town and they're being overprotective again and all. You know them."

Oliver's smile turned into a grin, and Ethan's heart fluttered. "Sure, sure. I need to go to my locker, so I'll see you in a couple minutes?"

"Nah, I'll come with you. It's on the way out anyway."

They walked silently through the noisy halls. It was Friday, they'd just finished the SATs and they had a long four day weekend ahead of them. The whole school had been waiting for a long time for this weekend. When they reached Oliver's locker, Ethan leant his side against the locker beside Oliver and watched his friend's concentrated face. He grinned as Oliver took a few library books out of his locker, and exchanged them for his pencil case and calculator--the only things that anyone needed for the SATs.

Ethan sighed as Oliver shut his locker, and they walked out of the building together.

"Do you take the bus?"

"Yeah, you know this," Oliver laughed. "I'm too poor to buy myself a car."

Ethan laughed. "I drove today, do you wanna ride with me?"

"Sure," Oliver replied with a smile. They walked towards the parking lot and watched two girls walking hand in hand ahead of them. The taller one kissed the shorter one's forehead and the shorter one kissed the taller one's lips.

"Awww," Ethan cooed quietly. "I wish I could have someone like that."

The shorter boy smiled. "Me too."

They walked to his car and got in. He turned on the radio as he revved the engine, and they were off to Oliver's house. It was a good twenty minutes from their school, and Oliver willed himself to not gaze at his best friend as they talked. Little did he know--Ethan was doing the same thing.

Finally, they got to Oliver's house and Ethan parked in front of the house. They walked up the driveway, and in through the door that was already unlocked. Oliver found this out of the ordinary--their mother was a stickler for safety, and she usually wasn't here when Oliver got home.

"Hey, ma!" Oliver yelled to the kitchen where he heard the kettle boiling.

"Hello! Is Ethan here too?"

"Yeah," Oliver answered, walking into the kitchen with Ethan at his heels. They basically lived at each other's houses at this point so it wasn't awkward.

"Hi, Mrs B, how are you today?"

"Good, good, Ethan. The usual. Work's been weird, you know the usual shazam."

Ethan nodded, and Oliver got them each a granola bar. "Wanna go upstairs?"

Ethan nodded again and smiled. "See you later, Mrs B."

"Good to see you again, Ethan," she smiled back.

They scaled the stairs to Oliver's room, and sat on his bed, unwrapping their granola bars.

"Sooo," Ethan said, not wanting to be awkward. He thought badly of himself because he didn't want to tell Oliver how he felt about him. To him, Oliver was just another straight boy. Just a straight boy that he'd been friends with since they were born, just another straight boy that he had fallen in love with.

He had a thing for straight boys, but it wasn't as if his environment was teeming with queer ones. He sighed, chewing his food.

"Sooo," Oliver copied him, and his cheeks grew red when Ethan raised an eyebrow.

"So, what's the movie that you wanna see?"

Oliver swallowed. "The one that's playing today that I wanna see is called Bladerunner," he shrugged. "I dunno. It sounds good."

"I've heard good, really good things about that movie. Didn't it just come out a couple days ago?"

Oliver nodded. "Yeah. I wanted to, umm, see it with you, actually."

"I'd love to see it with you. I-I mean, why not?"

Oliver's face flushed. "Great!"

There was an awkward silence that settled over the two of them, but they ignored it to eat their granola bars. Ethan sighed when he finished the bar, and threw the wrapper in the bin. Oliver tossed his into it and made it.

Ethan grinned. "Nice... Hey, um, Oliver, I wanted to actually tell you something."

"Okay. I wanted to tell you something too, but you can go first."

"Alright. Um, please don't freak out, okay? Please?"

"O-okay. I'll try not to."

Ethan bit his lip. "Okay... I'm just going to say it. And you can take it however you'd like to. And then you can hate me if you want..."

Oliver touched his best mate's shoulder, and Ethan's face flushed. "Oliver, I think... I think I'm in love with you."

Oliver's hand flew to his mouth, and his eyes welled up. "Really?" he managed to squeak.

Ethan's eyes welled up too, and he nodded. "I'm really r-really sorry if it ruins our friendship, I just needed to get it off of my chest. Okay, your turn."

"My thing isn't important. It isn't. I--you, you're in love with me..."

Ethan grimaced. "Y-yeah. I'm sorry. It's okay. You don't have to love me."

"No. That was the saddest thing you've said. Also, you're not sorry." Oliver seemed to be more than mildly phased by this news. His brain was frozen in shock. He didn't know he'd ever have a chance.

"What? Just tell me what you were going to tell me and we can forget about this. Okay?"

"No. We're not forgetting. But I'll tell you what I was going to say. I, um, I was going to say that I'm gay."

"You're... what...?" Ethan whispered. Now he was the one in shock.

"I'm gay. I'm gay. I'm gay," Oliver whispered. "God, it feels so good to say that."

"You're gay? Me too, bud..."

"I know," Oliver said, his hand timidly resting on Ethan's shoulder. "And there's one more thing. I'm also in love with you."

Their lips crashed together.

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