shot ten: truth or dare

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Trigger warning: offensive slangs thrown around, also I know it's super cliche, I was tired.

Cal's POV

"G'day mate," Bas smiles at me and pats the seat next to him on the school bus.

"'Allo," as grin back down at him, and sit where he indicated.

"Faggots!" Someone yells from the front of the long yellow bus. I roll my eyes, but Bas sucks in his breath.

He said more quietly, "Cal, don't you think this... these... swears are a wee bit—"

"Offensive, too much?" I cut him off, speaking only in a whisper. I bite my lip.

"Y-yeah... uh... yeah. I guess that's what I trying to say. It is becoming an everyday thing, and I guess I'm just kinda sick of it."

"I mean it—it isn't true, is it?"

"N-no, I-I just thought it might be offensive or degrading to people who are."

He nodded and sighed.

•••••••• 3 days later ••••••••

As I got on the bus, I noticed Bas was sleeping, kind of slouching on his bag. I smirked and sat down next to him.

"Fucking faggot!"

The bus driver rolled her eyes. So did I. I looked at Bas and noticed for the millionth time in all six years of our friendship, how beautiful he is. My heart fluttered in my chest as another "faggot!" was accompanied with a laugh from the front of the bus again. It rang in my ears as I breathed in sharply when Bas's eyes fluttered open.

"'Ey Cal. Why didn't ya wake me up? I don't wanna wake up to being called a fag," he whispered. I chuckled and apologised.

•••••••• 3 months later ••••••••

"To a happy first day of summer," Bas said and we clinked glasses of apple cider.

We drank, and I felt the sweet liquid sliding down my throat. (I can just see the comments now)

Bas downed it first, just like always, and put his glass on the table right before mine.

"Hah," he cackled. "I won. First of the whole summer."

"As always," I muttered sarcastically and smiled.

We made our way upstairs to my room, and flopped onto my bed, staring at the ceiling. He grinned and pointed at the drawing of a rabbit right above my bed. I'd never really gotten around to erasing it after I drew it on a dare in sixth grade. It had a date under it and everything. I laughed, remembering the exact day, how I'd felt just as lightheaded and fluttery as I always did around Bas.

"So, Cal, wanna get out the app?"

I nodded and grinned. "I think I still have it."

I opened my phone and flipped through my games, finding truth or dare.

"Okay," I said, grinning as we started our second annual first-day-of-summer tradition. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," he said, and I smiled at his unoriginality. He always picked a dare for the first of the summer.

"Kiss the person to the right of you," I said, looking up, my cheeks flushing, then I added hastily, "You don't have to."

He nodded. "It would make you uncomfortable, so I forfeit."

"Just me?"

"Well me too!" He added quickly, but I was already smirking at my own joke.

"Okay," Bas said, and laid the phone on the bed. "Truth or dare?"

"I pick truth."

Bas tapped the screen, and a question popped onto it. Bas read it aloud: "What is the name of your crush?"

"I don't have one at the moment," I said automatically as if it were programmed into me. Bas raised an eyebrow, but I asked him.

"Truth or dare?"


I tapped the screen. "Invite a person of the opposite sex over right now. Wow. Oddly specific."

"Not that specific."

"Are you gonna do it?"

"Sure," he bit his lip. "Who to call..."

"How 'bout Liz?"

"Sure." He took out his phone and called our friend, Elisabeth Swanson. She wasn't Aussie like us, she was British, or at least her parents were. She was just like the rest of us at this point.

I scurried down to ask my mum if Elizabeth could come over. She said yes, and she could sleepover if she wanted.

I ran back upstairs to a smiling and giggly Bas, he looked up at me and smiled.

"Yeah. He just came in," he said. Then to me, he said, "have anything you wanna tell her?"

"Yeah. My mum says she can sleepover if she wants."

He communicated the message and then smiled. "Okay, that's cool. Ooh! Nice!"

He hung up and looked at me, smiling. I didn't have to ask whether she was coming over. I knew by his tone. She was probably sleeping over. I looked out the window and smiled sombrely as I saw a school bus; probably doing last stops. I was immediately reminded of the yells from the front of the bus.

I swallowed and smiled up at him, my tone interested. "Is she sleeping over?"

He nodded.

"Truth or dare?" Bas asked.


"What was your most awkward date. What the heck, these are all so romantic," he said, his cheeks flushing slightly when our eyes made contact. I smiled.

"I've never been on a real date."

"What do you mean by real?"

I was hoping he wasn't going to ask, but I guess it was part of the truth, so I answered. "It was a kind of dance thing and this girl that I barely knew asked me out. She was really pretty, and I wasn't going to go, but I did. I bought a ticket and everything. But then, we were dancing, and she told me that she'd liked me for the longest time. I hadn't. I guess I realised I didn't have any feelings for her, so I apologised to a point where she was annoyed at how much I was apologising, and we agreed that we'd both be friends, and we've been friends ever since.

"And, for the record, she's dating someone right now, and he just asked her out, and she's super happy because she's been telling me about her crush on him since last year. Sooo, yeah, if that counts, that would probably be my most awkward date, but since it was my only one, I don't really have much material."

Bas looked at me, grinning. "Was it Liz?"

I nodded, and we both laughed. Just as I was about to truth-or-dare him, the doorbell rung, and we both scurried down the stairs like little kids, and invited Liz in, hugging, and grabbing more apple cider. We climbed the stairs again and settled on the bed. She put her bag on the floor, and asked what we were doing, and then soon enough she was playing as well.

"Truth or dare?" She asked me when it was my turn.


She clicked dare and giggled creepily to herself, staring at us with the most mischevious eyes I've seen her wear.

"Oh no. Oh dear. What is it this time, sicko?"

She rolled her eyes at the nickname, but couldn't help grinning all the same. "You guys are gonna love this one," she squealed. 

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