shot thirteen: nose stuck in a book (flash fiction)

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"Ah, Sarah here to see if the book is in yet?"

"Yes, Ms Wildy, I was just wondering when it was going to be returned. I've been waiting for like two months now."

The library was quiet, but they whispered and smiled warmly at each other. Sarah even received a sympathy pat on the shoulder from Ms Wildy. Just as she was about to leave, Sarah bumped into a rushed looking person in a nice looking flannel.

"Ms Wildy!" The person whisper-shouted.

Ms Wildy looked disapprovingly at the young woman, but Sarah bit her lip as she stared at her inconspicuously. She was gorgeous, had dirty-blonde hair cut into a pixie, a green and blue looking flannel, and a tattoo on her ankle of the eye of Sauron.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you there," the girl said, but Sarah immediately dismissed it, smiling.

"You're fine. It was my fault."

"No it wasn't. I should've watched where I was going, sorry about that, dear," she said, ruffling Sarah's hair and walking off towards Ms Wildy.

Although it meant nothing, Saab blushed and kept walking with her stack of books in her arms. She walked to the back of the library where the chairs were and sat down in one, placing her books on the table in front of her. She picked up the one on top and opened it.

J. R. R. Tolkien, the Two Towers. Good. She was going in order this time. She ran a hand through her curls and smiled as she flipped through the pages, her eyes soaring over the words. She looked up to see the girl from earlier coming over, made eye contact with her, and looked down, a blush forming on her cheeks.

To Sarah's surprise, however, the girl came over and sat down in the chair next to her, whispering about how "that's such a good book," and the only thing Sarah could do was nod enthusiastically and smile pleasantly, for she couldn't speak all of a sudden. But soon enough, she could speak again, and they got kicked out of library for being so loud with their whisper shouting.

So they sat outside the library on a bench, their books on their laps, fangirling about books. By the time they stopped and checked the time, it had been an hour, and they still hadn't exchanged names, but with the furthering of their conversation, they not only exchanged names, (revealing that Sarah's new crush was called Charlie) but phone numbers as well.

A phone number that Charlie used the following day, inviting Sarah to a coffee shop to have coffee and biscuits. Sarah was happier than she usually was for the rest of the week, but she still had her nose stuck in a book.

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