shot seven: tea and T; part one

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With his tea in his hands, Alex sat curled up on his couch, watching reality tv again. He knew he had an addiction, but he just couldn't stop. He'd gotten misgendered again.

"Alex, please... let me take you out, we can go to a movie or a restaurant, or something. Just please..." I begged.

"No, I'm scared," he responded and took another sip of tea. I switched the television off, and sat next to him, pulling him into a hug.

"What're you scared of, love?"


"What?" I loved it when he said my name.

"I'm scared of being called a girl. No one ever gets it right..."

"I think you're exaggerating. How long had it been before today?"

"Like a month and a half since I'd last gotten misgendered."

"See! Alex, you can't let it get to your head."

"But I'm not real am I?"


"Like no one thinks I'm a real boy. No one."

"I do. And I think most everyone else does too. So, er, I wouldn't worry about it."

He snuggled deeper into my chest and set his empty mug on the ground. I picked him up and felt his legs wrapping around my waist. I walked to our bedroom, and set him on the bed, and settled down next to him. I drew the covers over us.

"I love you, Alex," I said, kissing his head, and drawing him into my chest. His head fit into the crook of my neck, and I stroked his hair as he cried softly into my chest.


"Hello, my fellow faggots," Jessie said as she entered the flat and was met by Alex's soft laughter, and my smirk.

"You look happy," Alex grinned. "Just have sex with your barista girl?"

"No, you filthy-minded dirt-bag!" She grinned, and Alex smiled triumphantly. I swear it was their goals in life to get one another annoyed. Alex was usually very good at it.

"Well then, my lesbo friend, come and join us." He gestured at the empty spot on the sofa. The week following his breakdown had consisted of reality tv that had sucked me in, and now I was Alex level obsessed. I'm a true gay, as Alex always says.

"No, ew, why would I watch reality? Wanna watch some soccer? Basketball? Softball?"

We shook our heads, and her face twisted up into a grin. "You guys are so cute. I'll leave you to your trash tv. Want some tea?"

"Yes, please," Alex and I chimed together.

"What about you, Alex?" She asked as if he hadn't answered.

"Every time," he shook his head and giggled, and she chortled from the kitchen.

"You know it."


"Ohh, Alex. Not again."

I put my keys on the counter and walked to the couch. He was wrapped in a blanket, eyes red, mug of tea in his hands, an empty needle on the table in front of him.

"Did you dose correctly?"

He nodded. "I wouldn't fuck with my T, Roland."

"I know, darling. Do you need more tea? Like to drink?"

He nodded. I smiled. "Alright, love. At least you're not watching reality."

He nodded, and let out a strangled chuckle.

I put the kettle on and waited for it to boil, listening to the movie version of Oliver Twist played. I sighed. At least it wasn't reality tv. And that's what I kept telling myself. I actually smiled as I poured our tea and sat down next to Alex. Nostalgia kicked in as I watched a young Barney Clark danced across the set, singing in his high pitched voice.

I felt Alex's head rest on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around him. Soon, the movie ended, and the credits rolled, and I felt Alex shift. I switched the tv off as the regular TCM guy came on, and I turned to face my boyfriend. His tearstained face was so sad, and I felt so terrible for him. I'm almost half sad that I can't fully sympathise with him.

"Who was it this time?"

"An old lady. I wish I didn't have to interact with so many people in my job."

"Yes, but you're doing work for the greater good."

"Not really. I work at a check-in office in a Marriott."

"Okay, well, you help give people a place to sleep."

He kissed my cheek. "You're such an amazing person, you know that?"

"I love you," I replied.

He scooted onto my lap, straddling me, and burying his head in my chest. I kissed the top of his head.

"I love you too, Roland," he mumbled, and I smiled.

"Don't doubt yourself, okay? If someone misgenders you, it's probably because they can't see very well, because you're my little twink, and no one is going to hurt you under my watch."

I felt a little kiss on my collarbone, and I smiled, taking his head in my hand, and kissing his lips. He grinned, and kissed back, right as my phone buzzed. He shrugged and rolled off of me, gesturing for me to pick it up.

"It's Jessie. She says she's spending the night at Eeva's house... Who's Eeva?" I asked him.

"Her barista girl."

"Ahh, they're doing things now, aren't they?"

"Things I wish you'd do to me," he said cheekily, and I smirked, looking at him laying next to me on the sofa. I laced our fingers together and leant over to kiss him.

"What things do you have in mind?" I asked him. "Things like this?"

I trailed my fingers up his shirt, tracing weird shapes on his sides and back. He leant towards me and kissed me. I kissed back, letting my tongue explore his mouth. I pulled him back onto me, so he was straddling me again. I grinned and bit my lip before he kissed me again.

"Yeah," he finally responded breathlessly when I broke the kiss to look at him. "Like that."

"Or," I smirked again and shifted so I was on top of him. "Like this?"

I kissed him again, and our tongues collided, twisting with each other, but I abandoned his, and kissed his jaw, his collarbone, his jaw again, and let my hand come up under his shirt again. He gasped as I nipped at some skin under his jaw, and kissed him again, our tongues colliding once more.

His legs wrapped around my waist as my hands trailed farther and farther up his back.

"Would you feel comfortable taking your shirt off?"

"As long as I'm not alone," he whispered seductively, and I bit my lip as I felt my pants tighten a little bit. Alex grinned, and we took our shirts off. I looked at his chest, and his cheeks grew pink.

"I-I'm ugly, I know..."

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