Leo POV~ "Let The Games Begin."

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I was currently on Festus's back on my search for Caly. Festus had just injected the Physician's Cure into my arm about an hour ago. Now I was fully awake. It felt good to cheat death. Ha, Ha Thanatos! Take that! I was so excited to find Calypso. I felt like I might be in love with her. She was a freakin goddess. Every time I woke up I asked myself, "Leo, my hot Super-Sized McShizzle Valdez how'd you manage to get a girl like that?" Then I'd reply, "I was just being myself, the Flaming Hot Valdez." It was a sort-of ritual at this point in time. Festus and I had smooth sailing for what felt like hours (I guess that's what having ADHD results in). I was looking at my modified Archimedes Sphere, and Ogygia was getting very, very close. With Gaea exploding, Festus was thrown towards the island so we were moving twice as fast. I couldn't wait to see Calypso, so that I could introduce her to my friends. I missed them. I was trying to contact them, but I couldn't establish a strong connection in the air. It was like fixing a Chevy's carburetor with a tooth brush; impossible.

"Click, click, whirrrrr," said Festus.

"Yeah I know we're getting close buddy." I replied with a smile.

Festus started to descend through the white clouds. They passed above us like cotton candy.

"Could you catch a cloud?" I wondered aloud. "I wonder if it would be soft like cotton balls or bouncy like a trampoline?"

Several blue-prints popped up in my head for ways to test this theory.

"Valdez!" I snapped, "get'cha head in the game!"

All of a sudden Festus stopped Mid-way in his descent. I could feel heat radiating from below me. I slowly turned my head down to look, and saw a heart-breaking sight. Flames were billowing from Ogygia. Everything. Was. On. Fire.

"Calypso!?" It came out as a mix between a cry, and screech, there were tears flowing from my eyes. "Festus we're going back to camp."

The smoke from the fire was forming together oddly. I gasped as the realization hit me. It spelt out a world, more of a phrase.

"Let The Games Begin."

(A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short, but I will make it up to you guys soon! I hope you Comment, Vote, and Like my story! This is my first Fan-Fiction, so I hope I'm not doing too much of a crappy job here.)

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