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Third Person

Callie sit there joining them at their conversation. "Hey, since your name is quite long..." Jonah starts and she laughed a little at his concern. "What should we call you?" he adds. "My friends call me Callie but you can call me whatever you want." she informed the boy who is eagerly waiting for an answer.

"Then Callie it is. By the way, why did Daniel called you Theo?" Jonah then again adds another question. She liked  his curiosity and eager to know more about her. "Hey Jonah, stop barging in on her classified informations." Corbyn argues. "It's okay. I'm new and I know that you want to know me more so, Daniel called me Theo, short for Theophilia, cause like I said, you guys can call me what you want and he goes with Theophilia." she detailedly explained. "Mind if I ordered you something, my treat." Daniel then joined the conversation. "Wow, we've been a band in a couple of months but we never get a drink for free from Daniel." Zach jokingly said while clapping at the kindness his bandmate showed.

"She don't like coffee." Jack said then he suddenly felt shocked at his statement that the boys will be confused because pf the information he brought.  Callie on the other hand felt butterflies on her stomach because Jack still knows a detail from what she likes and doesn't. "Yeah, I don't like coffee. By the way, how did you know that I don't like coffee." she asks him adding more tense to the feeling odf the boy. "I noticed that your face made a disgusted look when you smell the aroma of coffee inside this shop." he explained and it impresses Callie of how Jack gets away to the situation easily.

"Wow, I think my heart just shattered." Jonah said while he put his hands close to his chest as sign of being hurt. "Why? Did I do something?" she asked worriedly on what she had done to hurt the poor boy. This action entertained Jack of how cute and innocent she was. "You see Jonah here is a coffee freak and absolutely love coffee from the bottom of his heart and listening to someone who said that they doesn't like coffee breaks his manly heart." Zach said slapping the chest of his friend making Jonah growl.


Another boring chapter. I'm sorry✌🏼.


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