f o r t y

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I ended up staying longer than planned. Jack joined our circle but we intend to do awkward eye contacts and I feel like he pretends to not care at the fact that I am here. He is quieter than the usual bubbly Jack. I've ruined him.

"Hey, why don't we watch a movie." Zach blurted out of nowhere.

"Besides the pun, I think it's a great idea to watch a movie. Dibs on the movie." I replied and they all groaned. Maybe this is the chance that I could redeem myself to Jack. I could pick his favourite movie and nothing. Obviously nothing will happen if I chose that movie but maybe he will remember how much we had fun watching that movie.

"I'm gonna go make foods for the movie and Callie, better be good at picking a great movie." Jonah said and I began setting up the movie.

"Are we seriously gonna trust her to pick the movie?!" Jack shouted while I'm in the middle of picking a movie. Now I filled up his trust issues. "She is not trustworthy and you guys know that!"

"Jack, don't be an asshole. I know you hate one and now you're being a great one. It's just a movie." Corbyn said and saved my feelings. I am really thankful that the boys are here for me no matter what but I also don't like that they are arguing because of me.

"No, Jack you can pick the mov--"

"Yes Callie, you are going to choose the movie." Daniel quickly interrupted me coming from my behind. Jack stormed upstairs and I'm not joking when I say that there are fumes coming from his ears.

"Just like we told you, he just need time." Daniel assured me and I nodded in response.

After a while, I finished setting up the movie and I also volunteered to set te place into an inside of a cozy tipi house with lots of blankets and pillows. Jonah came through with the snacks for the movie and I got also assigned for calling everyone and this might be the toughest job of the night. I started to climd upstairs and call Zach and Corbyn first and as usual they are battling their lives out in fortnite.

"Guys, the movie is ready, come downstairs." I said and my voice is nearly inaudible because of their hands tapping hardly on the keys. "Just a minute."

I let them play and watched them playing their loved game.

"AYEEE! Victory Royale." Zach shouted and he almost teared my ear drums. "We should always let Callie watch because we've been playing in here since forever and this is our first in a long time. By long time I mean early this morning." Corbyn said and I laughed at their faces that can't hide any joy that they are felling.

I let them shut their business down and lead to Jack and Daniel's room. The door opened and created a creaky sound and there Jack was. He was sitting on the bed holding something. I silently sneaked up in his back and see that he was holding our promise ring hooked in his necklace. He probably sensed me and turned around with shock in his face.

"Wh-what are doing here?" he stuttered in shock as he quickly hide the necklace and crushed it in his hand. "Uhm.. Jonah said that it's time for the movies and he- he uh send me here to call you guys."

"I'll be there in a minute." we stared at each other in forever, well not forever but in a long time. There is obviously a thick air of awkwardness in the room and I decided to break contact first.

"See you there." I said without thinking and what the heck am I thinking? See you there? Really? I quickly scolded myself as I turned around and make my way to the door.

"Uh. Callie?" Jack said out of nowhere and my heart basically found its way into a deep cliff and dropped in there.
I turned around with a questioned look but he brushed me off quickly and I turned my way quickly as possible and head downstairs.


another surprise update comin atchooooo💗


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