f o r t y - o n e

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I'm still confused on why Jack called me and it is all that my mind is thinking about as I make my way downstairs. While I was thinking that, I also pretend that I am in a middle of a music video coming down the stairs.

When I reached the living room, the boys, except Jack, already sunked in the fluffiness of the set up.

"Come sit beside me." Zach said as he scoot over to the side. Jonah is at the other end of the semi circle then Daniel and Corbyn, then Zach and lastly me. We are currently waiting for Jack and as if on cue, the royal highness is coming down the stairs. All of the spot were occupied except for the space beside me and now my heart starts skipping frantically. I got up to to play the movie and another way to calm my nerves. I picked "Bridge to Terribithia" because as a kid, Jack and I used to watch this movie all the time and used to mimic the chracters and pretend that we are in Terribithia that's why we have a secret hideout back home. Now that I am going back to my spot, I instantly regret that I chose that movie because Jack can't keep his eyes off me and it's getting awkward and we have to get throught the whole movie.

When I sat down, I still feel the eye of Jack but I'm not quite sure what emotion he was showing.

Halfway through the movie, I looked around to see that the boys are so sleeping and DAMN! they are so cute together while they are sleeping. I turned to Jack and he was so engaged in the movie. He must've felt that I'm staring at him so he glanced to me. I saw a small smile.

"I always knew you have a sift spot in this movie." I chuckled and he averted his eyes quickly away from me.

"Picking this movie doesn't mean that I've already forgiven you." and there he goes again. The cold hearted Jack that I am not used to.

"What can I do for you to forgive me? I didn't know what to do so I pretended to have an amnesia thinking I could forget you but I can't. It's not my fault that you are hard to forget. You are the one who understands me. You are always there for me. I can't function without you and I may be too dependant on you but I can't without you." I bursted my heart out. All that I wanted to say is already out. I don't have anymore things to give for him to forgive me. I looked at him and he is smiling widely at me like I am some fool.

"Are you trying to make a fool out of me?" I scoffed. "You know what? I can't believe that I liked you so much and maybe Daniel's right you're an assho--"

Then before that sentence was finished, the whole majesty of elephants came thumping all over my stomach as his soft lips came over mine. It was magical, I may sound too cheesy when I say it but it was. This is how I imagined my first kiss would be, above all the circumstances , I imagine ghis to be with only one thing, one person rather, Jack.


enjoy this bid while im risking my phone from not being confiscated in class. OHHHH IM A REBELLL


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