n i n e t e e n

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Guilt. Guilt is what I am feeling after the conversation between Jack and I that opened up the reason of why he left me. But I couldn't just break my walls down for him then he goes and destroy it again even more.

Pride. Pride is what is airing up my body. I couldn't just forgive him. I couldn't just let him through and the whole shenanigans will happen again. I know it will happen and trust me it will hurt justlike the first time.

So as I am looking outside my window, finishing a picture that I drawn of the dawn, I heard knocks on the other side of my door. I stood up from my position and went to open the door when three huge bodies engulfed me above the bed, doing a dog pile. My brothers. I returned the laugh that is being shared right now in my room.

"Hey Lee, so how's L.A.?" Theo, my oldest brother asked me. He always checks up on me. He's like my second dad, an overly protective dad. When he found out that Jack is one of the bundle of friends I made here in L.A., he actually considered my idea for him. For making him believe that I had an amnesia. 'He deserved to be left out.', that is what he said to me.

"Everything's fine here. It's fun actually." I answered having a flashback of thoughts about the day we played truth or darr at the boys' house.

"Want to introduce us to your new found 'friends'." second older brother Timo said to me. He is the brother who always keep you oriented. He still don't agree of the idea of me pretending with a fake personality or illness against his old friend. He was one of Jack's old best friends but just like me, he also got shot out. He was just being nice to him because he valued the friendship he had with him. A brotherly bond actually.

"I don't think so because this two big guys right here might actually beat the crap out of him if they'd see him." I said pointing to my oldest brother and my not so bigger brother.

"Oh, he might get some couple punches but he will live. Don't tell me you li-" he  didn't even need to continue the sentence because I already elbowed his stomach. Meet my most annoying brother, Cade. He is almost the same age as me so I get to banter with him and a couple of shades here and there. He never really liked Jack because he is jealous of him, but he can't admit it, that I spend so much time with Jack that he is taking away 'brother-sister time' from us.

"Just don't because I don't want to go to jail visiting my idiot brother that couldn't contain his cockiness." I said teasing him.

We sprawled out in my bed looking at the ceiling, talking about our childhood. Our favourite ice cream place. Our favourite auntie that makes the best cookie. Our grandma that doesn't fail giving us yearly Christmas cards with a good amount of money in it that we will end up spending on nonsense like matching wheelies that lights up when you roll it or a good stash of junk foods and candies. We are very responsible, I know.

We are now laughing at a joke that Cade conducted. I like it this way. Seeing huge smiles from their faces compared to their worried ones after I ran out of our house that night.


Hope you liked this side of Callie. A side of her heart that belongs to his beloved brothers. I wish I had brothers like this. I only have one that annoyingly sings retarded songs that will hit a nerve in you😤. This a/n is way too long so I'm gonna shut up 🤐 

Thank you. Bye 😊


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