t w e n t y - s e v e n

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I opened the bag Jack handed me a while ago and it lend two tub of my favorite ice cream and some potato chips. He really know me so well. He used to bought a 'period bag' which contains my favorite things in the world. He treats me like a pregnant woman.

The passenger sode door opened and I didn't even noticed that Jack stopped the car and got out of it. He lend me a hand. "I'm not pregnant or injured. I've experienced this monthly. Stop treating me like one." I said as I held his hand.

"Well, you're acting like an old cranky woman." he said in a matter of factly tone. I swatted my hand on his back and he winced exaggeratedly. "See?" he said pointing at what I'm doing with him then I rolled my eyes on him.

I opened the door and let Jack come in as I hear voices coming from the living room. Shit. I forgot that my brothers are here.

"Callie, where did you go?" Theo asked standing up then looked at me. His eyes passed me then to the person beside me. He narrowed his eyes at me then looking at him. "Uhm, helped him accompany a friend to rhe airport." I stutter. Why do I stutter at this situations?

"Then why is he here?" he then arched one eyebrow killing him in his mind and scolding me there at my act. "Uhm, I can go home. I just escorted her home."

"No, you can stay. You bought me this we will consume it together." I said as I dragged him upstairs while Jack gives an apologetic look on my brothers.

I opened the door of my bedroom and let him inside. He gawked at my room that contains white walls, and a gray accent wall behind my headboard. The accent wall contains polaroid pictures of my family. There is a walk in closet beside my vanity chair and a study area on the opposite side of it. There is a T.V. in front of my bed, beside the bathroom door, and a furniture table. My room actually looked like mine at home, minimal colors. He probably noticed it as his mouth remained agape.

"You have a relly nice room, remind me of something though." I arched one eyebrow playing my curious act. "She's a friend, a great friend who damaged horribly."

"I'm getting curious about this friend." I asked as I shake the tea put of him. What if he apologised to me right now and admitted that he was the 'friend' that hurt me not too long ago.
"Not that important, but to me she is. Don't get jealous though." he said as he played a little smirk in his face. That little statement made a weird feeling inside me.

"As if." I scoffed, "What if you accidentally meet her in the streets, are tou prepared on what you will say to her?" I am that stubborn, I wanted to know more of his side so bad.

"I have..."  he then lowered his head plopping next to me, on my bed. "But I don't have the courage to tell her."

I nodded. What?! What 'what?!'? I don't know how to react okay.

"We should propbably stop talking about her and start a movie." he said chuckling while finding the remote of my tv. I brushed off my stubbornness.

"Dibs on the movie." I said before he starts to realise that I got to pick a movie I want. "Oh no, this would be a sappy romantic film, I can sense it."

I laughed at his reaction slumping his shoulders and stomping his feet all the way back to my bed.


ohh they're mending their broken friendship😭

thank you for your appreciation, time, effort and patience with reading this book. i appreciate it so much❤️


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