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Brittney Lechlitner a 14 year old girl falls in love with a gamer/youtuber that no one knows about but something tells a big secret about their relationship. Brittney is a fun and quirky girl, there's a lot to know about her but she's used to keeping it to herself until she meets him, then it changes...

Hi guys, a little to know about me is my actual name is Brittney so this story is basically like my life except the twist isn't true in my life. I have three dogs which they will be in the story. I am bad at spelling so a pre-warning about that. I don't really get noticed with this type of stuff or really anything. I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!! <3 <3.... By the way no copy writes. <3 :D

P.s~ I just wanted to make something clear i know the title is different from what it was, thats because i couldn't think of a title so after a couple of chapters my mind was running and running and BOOM new title. And btw im just now putting this part in on July 6th.

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