Trying D:

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Hey my Nubs <3,

Sorry i havent updated yet its hard because 1. im lazy, 2. im having writers block, and 3. ive been talking to my true best friend/sister for a day or two since my lil bestie/sister gave her my number so thats been on my mind and its just hard cuz of all my online school work :/ the responsibilities of my dogs with all their stupid barking >:O and im just like stfuuuuu plz im working here and then when i save wattpad's like nah nub u gotta start over again and im like :( not fairrr, anyways enough of my randomness im gonna try and update later today before i go to sleep... I love chu all and have a nubalicous night/day and eat more RIBS AND WINGS <3 <3, have a wonderful time eating ribs and wings my lovely nubs i love you all <3 <3 :D.


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