Final chapter pt 1

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Hello everyone like I said in the last chapter this is the last chapter hence the title I know its a short book but I got really bored while writing the book but anyways here we gooooo. read the author note at the bottom sowwy ♡♥.


~1 1/2 years later~

Brittney' s POV~

"Hey babe" my almost three month boyfriend says while kissing my cheek then turning me around and kissing me on my lips.

"Hey boo" I say in between kisses.

"You do know what today is right?" if he doesnt then he's getting the biggest silent treatment I've every gave someone.


"Justin Smith you dont know today is our THREE month anniversary?!?!" thats right everyone Justin or Mr. Boss man is my boyfriend after a month of him being a total sweetie and multiple dates he finally got me.

"Of course sweetie why would I forget?" he said while manly giggling and walking over to me to give me a kiss but just as he got close enough to do so I ducked under his arm and walked to the kitchen.

"Babe c'mon dont do this" just as I was about to reply the doorbell rang.

"No we'll finish this later right now im going out with Donnie, Pam, Dan, his brother and two other people so tell me were my keys are" yep you guessed it im old enough to drive 15 exactly.

"Their by the door on the hook like always" Justin says while sighing and walking into the kitchen.

"Right thanks, MA IM GOIN OUT WITH THE BABES" I yell while kissing Justin on the lips and grabbing my pre-schooler bag and walking to the front door.

"SISSY WHO IS GOIN WITH YOU??" I hear my loud mouth sister call while jumping from her hidden spot.

"I dont know all I know is that im heading out with Donnie,  Pam,  Dan,  his brother Nikolai and two other people" I say while opening the door only to get tackled by Pam and her hubby.

"Umph you fat ass' get off of mee now!" I say while looking at the other people waiting outside.

"Well Sarah your in luck the other two.... wait three people are Cammy, Leo and-" I get cut off by my self gasping.

"oh my god.. OH MY GOD!!"

"Guys would you get off of her already so she can attack him-" Sarah starts to say but gets cut off by Justin walking, well walking would be an understatement,  lets say storming in the room.

"WHO THE FUCK IS ATTACKING WHO?!" a fuming Justin says while pulling my two besties off of me, and glaring at the other people standing outside the door.

"Oh... OHHH okay okay I'll leave now" Justin says while pulling me up and giving me another kiss but this time a really firm one and goes back to what ever he was doing before he came stomping out.

'' well someone was jealous'' I mumble and pick up my stuff and hand Donnie my keys and Pam my pre-schooler bag and gesturing for everyone to go.

'' not you'' I point to Matt as everyone goes and walks to the garage.

''Um Britt which car is this for?'' A wild Leo says.

''You idiot its her baby'' A wild sister says and pulls him away from me and Matt. She's referring to my light blue with purple flames running down the sides, Durango. I call her my Baby.. literally, we love to go play in the mud and shallow water, like mini lakes.

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