Off the plane

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Brittney's POV-

"MOM WERE GONNA BE LATE!!!!!" We're just getting the last few things together as we get ready to go to the airport. We're visiting New York, specifically James Town, New York to see my cousin Ramon. 

"OKAY OKAY LET'S GOO!!' My mom yells at me.

"Finally we're leaving, I'm just glad we go get to see Gaby" Gaby is the nickname we gave my cousin Ramon because his favorite character is Gaby off of this one show. (A/N: If you know the name of that children show leave it in the comment section)


"Baby wake up" This is my mom's way of waking me up...

"meehhhaaa five more minutes" I mumble.

"No sweet pea we have to get off the plane" She starts poking my face a couple of times, ugh she can get annoying sometimes.

"Fine fine I'm up" I get up and yawn while stretching hearing some bones pop, and rub my eyes.

We walk off the plane and my mom picks up her phone after it plays the Believe soundtrack.

"Jamie hi, how are you? Good good, yea we just landed.. Really?! Okay see you in a bit, yep can't wait to see you too alright, bye."

"Is Gaby coming with aunt Jamie to pick us up?"

"Yes dear he is, do you want to go get some food while we wait?" As if on queue Aunt Jamie and my cousin Gaby scream our names to get our attention.

"BRITTNEY, AUNT JENNY!!!" He screams at us.

"GABY OH MY GOSH LOOK AT YOU!!" My mom screams while he's still running at us with his mom running behind him yelling his name and telling him to slow down.

"Gaby!! dang bro you look cuter than I remember" I laugh after I say that.

"Wow Britt you haven't changed, except...." he walks around me and stops behind me, " Do she got dat booty? SHE DOOOOOO!!!!" And he ends up in a laughing fit.

I shake my head and hug my nub faced cousin, "Mmmmm I like your hugs still" I mumble into his shoulder with a smile forming on my face. 

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