Painful experience

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Ello guys!!! i see you guys met the second author yesterday such a fun and random girl eh? Well lemmie EXPLAIN hehehe you get it... from the title... no okie ):..... ANYWAYS yes she will be helping me with the book and possibly the new book im going to start working on "Adopted by Morgan Freeman" ohh oh i forgot when im writing its either going to start with me or Sarah.. and when Pammiichan *new author* is writing she possibly wont do this ^^ and she'll start with her or her boyfwiend Donnie.... btw PAM NO MAKEOUT SESSION m'kay bai :3


"OMG I CALL THE BED OF THE TRUCK NO ONE CAN SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!" Everyone stares at me while i climb in the bed of the dark blue, no its a freaking chameleon colored truck. And we're off to where ever in the heck Boss dude is taking us...

Apparently its his........

Britt's POV~ (same day)


"Umm Ms. Brittney-" Nah nah i aint being called that..

"NOPE i am not being called that just call me Britt m'kay? M'kay.. now what you want?" I say while climbing out of the bed and staring at another one of Justin's "gang" members..

"Um well Britt the boss wanted me to get you and take you inside" He said while gesturing to the 4 story mansion.

"okay but you has to put me over your shoulder" I say while holding my arms up like a three year old. He sighs and picks me up putting me over his shoulder.

"So I still don't know your name so what is it?" I say while poking his butt. Yes i'm poking his butt because i can.

"Its Donnie and if we get caught with you poking my ass its your fault" he said and moved me around on his shoulder. When he said his name it sent a cold feeling down my back... or up since im upside down... I DONT KNOW.

"Aye baby come back to me i dont see why you left me" My phone rings from inside my shoe.

"Ey Donnie be a dear and get my phone please its in my shoe closest to your face.. thank you" He does as said and mumbled a small your welcome.

"Who was calling?" I shake my head and answer the phone.

Phone call: M: momma B:me

M:Hey baby where did you go?

B:I thought they told you...

M: oh your still there?

B:yup just got here

M:Okay so when do-

*static sound coming from Donnie's walky talky saying "WE GOT A BREACH AT FRONT GATE GET THE GIRLS INSIDE AND SHOW THEM THE SECRET SPOT, OVER*

D: Sorry Britt you gotta get off the phone or its gonna fall while i run to the front

B: ugh fine, alright momma i gotta go theres a breach at the boss' front gate bye love you

I say and hang up. After doing something on my phone which is texting momma that she cant text or call while under breach and that i would inform her when its over.

"Here and get running boy!" I say while handing Donnie my phone to but in my shoe and he starts running to the front..

"Oh shit umm Donnie i can see the breacher behind us.." I say while slapping his back to get his attention.

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