The worries.

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HELLLOOOO MY LOVELY NUBSSSS <3 <3, I got an update in i hope your happy :3, I'll see you at the end of the chapter, i love you all my nubs and peace out. <3 <3  MOMMA NUB OUTT <3 <3.



I can't believe that we're moving and she didn't tell me!!! What is Sarah and Yesi gonna think?! I can't believe I'm leaving my two besties/sisters and they don't even know.Just ughhhhh what are they gonna think?!?!?! I really hope their not gonna be mad and i hope they understand that is was a FREAKING-

"What are you thinking about?" I look over to see whose voice i heard and its his? Since when did Matt care about me and what i'm thinking about..

"Nothing why do you care?!" I snap at him. Oops that came out meaner than i thought it would.

"Sorry-" I get cut off by him breathing out angrily.

"No I shouldn't have asked since you don't want me to care about whats on your mind" He snaps harshly, his face hardens and then instantly softens when he see's that i didn't mean it and he tries to apologise but i cut him off with a "don't just leave me be, please."

"Kids we're here" Aunt Jamie says while looking in the back mirror.

"C'mon you guys, Matt let's show her around the neighborhood while aunt Jenny and ma' get the luggage in the house" Gaby grabs my hand and pulls me out of the car and we start walking down the sidewalk.

"Mk let's show her my place" Matt says while raising an eyebrow at me in a flirtish way.


Hey my lovely Nubs, MOMMA NUB here sorry the chappie is short <3 <3 hope you liked it while i made the chappie i listened to, orrrrr and the episode is called Minecraft Let's Play #1 with Raigooa, (epic fail on matt's part) My minecraft name is Raiooga but i like to be called Raichu or Rai. I will deffinately update tomorrow for you guys <3 FEEL SPECUL. And your welcome Yesi for putting you and my babe sarah in the story early you will be in more so dont worry my lovely sister nub. MOMMA NUB OUTTT <3 <3

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