Mystery man,Words can hurt pt.1

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Hello guys im gonna start making a new book called Adopted By Morgan Freeman! How 'bout dem rainbow peanuts?! Eh? yeah well tell me in the comment thingy majigger what you think about that? kay yea? alright well imma go and write the chapter now baii!!


Later that week~~

Anonymous' POV~

She's so beautiful. What monster would want to bully a strong, brave, beautiful and very talented girl?

Britt's POV~

I just got into school and now im skate boardin' to my locker and meeting up with my nub of friends at my locker for some reason.

"HEY" Some one screams from behind me so i stop and wait for who ever called out to me. I wait a few seconds for who ever. I jump when some one raps their arm around my wait and turns me around but keeps HIS hands firmly on my waist.

"Bro what the fuck?!" I say while trying to push him away. Key word TRYING and i dont even know this dudes name and he comes up and hand rapes me.

"One my name is Bob and two im not hand raping you" (A/N: I couldnt think of a name sorry...) Fuck i said that out loud?! oh well.

"Okay "Bob" what the shiz do you want? and get your donut hands off of me" I say while squirming in his grip but he just tightens his grip and moves his hand a little bit higher to were their on the top of my hip bone.

"Ah he was right you are brave-" He pauses and moves his hands down a little bit. "Funny-" hand moves down. "And lastly beautiful" He says while moving his hands down to where one is positioned on my fudging BUTT and the other still gripping onto my waist.

"Well one thank you for the compliments i guess? two who is he? and three GET YOUR FUCKING DIRTY ASS-" I get cut off by his hand slamming over my mouth and his other hand on the small of my back and pushing me into his chest.

"Now, now beautiful we dont want me getting in trouble now do we? And he is the leader of my group and you caught his eye so now your reserved for him but i cant give his name to you" 

"RING RING BIATCH YOU GOT A MOTHER TRUCKING RAINBOW TEXT" My phone goes off and under his hand i can feel my cheeks burn with a blush.

"Awe listen to your phone go off thats so cute, now imma let you go and you wont tell anyone about this meet up right?!" He is starting to piss me off, so i lift up my hand and hold up three fingers. If this bitch dont take his hand off my mouth by the tie my fingers go down imma bite him.

"What are you doing with your fingers" Three.

"Are you gonna pinch me with them?"Eh good idea, Two.

"I doubt your strong enough to beat me up" One.

"What now? huh beautiful your all out of-" I bite him and hard might i say.

"OW SON OF A BITCH IMMA FUCKING KILL YOU!" I take off on my board while pulling my phone out to see who texted me. Its from Gaby?

Gaby the sexiest person ever! <3:

Hey babes where is u at? r u ok? i herd screamin, btws i luv ur new hair.

God dang it Gabs, I reply with a yep perfectly fine and thank you. 

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