~ Intro For New Author ~

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Ello guys!! I just wanted to say that the help I was talking about on my last two chappies is here, and currently writing this for me. And..... wait Pamchi, I hasn't introduced you yet, get back in your closet full of Donnies!! >:l

Hello guys! My name is PammiiChan~ and today I'll be your new author. Thanks too my amazing friend, she let me continue part of her book. Thank yoo ^-^ <3. And thanks to my horrible experience with writing books, I might not be as a great of a writer than Britt D: I warn you.

Time for an interview :  Interviewer /  I PammiiChan / P

I: How do you like making a book so far??

P: I actually dont like reading but I guess making a book is pretty fun. I've never really made a book either, unless you're talking about when i was in kindergarden. But so far its pretty amusing ^-^ I got tons of really cool things to add abouttt!~

I: I see before we got to the interview, you escaped your closet? What was that all about??

P: I don't have the slightest clue what your talking about.. >//> NEXT QUESTION!!

I: How long do you think this book should go on?

P: FOREVAR AND EVAR UNTIL I DYE!! (Dye my hair of course~)

I : Are you excited for Brittney's new-- *Savanah interrupts and says : That stupid bitch shouldn't make any more books, she's horrible at making them*

P: Excuse me? Look whos talking xD. Shut your trap before I come over their and slit your throat in many ways and shove you in a closet and let you die slowly so you feel alllllll the pain in the world, you hear me? Greaaaat :3 Thank you and have a shitty life <3 ~

I: As i was saying, Are you excited for Brittney's new book called 'Adopted By Morgan Freeman' ?

P: I actually just saw that book today. Any new book of Britts is a book I'd want to read. XD The title sounds amazing *Britt interupting on the intercom: I haven't worked on it yet but I will be soonnnn*

I: Do you like waffles??

P:  Im glad you asked that question. Its a difficult one to answer but, Yes i like waffles. :D Do you like pancakes? *Yes I like pancakes!* Do you like French toast? *Yes i like french toast* DOO DOO DOO DOOO DOooOOoOO, CANT WAIT TO GET A MOUTHFUL OF WAFFLESS!!

*sTatEMenT FrOm The IntErViEwER* : Welllll since you like waffles lets bring out the flash mob of waffles. :3 *Flash mob enters the room, strobe lights going on and off, and loud music plays*


Britt: *takes off interviewer clothes and tackles me to the ground screaming*: TURN DOW-- *everyone repeats enthusiastically* TURN DOWN FOR WHAT !! *Britt crawls around* EHYYYYY TURN DOWN THE MOOSAKKKK! 

*Everyone disappears and I wake up on the bed*

WELP. That was Amusing. Ill see you guys next time okkkkayy? I love you guys, my cutie patootiesss. :3 Lots of love ~PammiiChan

"Wh-what happened.. *Groans and shuffles a little closer to the body next to me* Donnie?'

*He sits up and carries me into his arms* Im here. You alright? You passed out on the floor.. I got worried.."

"I'm okay.. *yawns into his chest and wraps my arms around him* I- i just feel tired *kisses his cheek and sits by the bed* Oough.."

"C'mon, *As he sits next to me, he puts one arm under me and walks slowly to the couch in the living room*

*Britts fiesty little eyes peer out to see* PAMMIICHANNN!! *she comes and gives me a biggg hug and leaves Donnie behind. Britt growls at him and gives him a 'Go awayyyy' Look*

Britt.. I- Ooogh.. Dont hug me too tight >~< I think im sick.. *I say as i lean over the couch and plop down. Donnie comes and comfort me while Britt sits on the other side of me*

Im sorry ;~; Want me to get you anything? *She says while resting her head on my lap*

Im okay.. c: 

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