Meeting him.

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"Ahem um dude wanna introduce us?" I hear a unfamiliar voice behind us.

"Umm Gabs who is dis nub fool?"

"Um Matt this is Brittney my cousin and my aunt Jenny"  He says awkwardly, still holding onto me and whispers something in my ear along the lines of "careful he's a hugger".

I let go of Gaby and go to introduce myself to this cute looking friend of Gaby's. "Hi, I'm Brittney" I say awkwardly.

"Hey beautiful, I'm Matt but you can call me the sexy god" He ends with a cheeky grin, and a chuckle escapes his plump looking lips.

"I uh.. um hehehe" I just giggle and blush at the comment of calling me beautiful.

"Hey, hey stop with the flirt fest you two" Gaby calls us out, and I bet my face was really red by now. i look over at Gaby and mouth "He's cute", and Gaby just laughs. I look over at momma and notice she hasn't said anything since Gaby introduced Matt.

"Momma are you okay?" she coughs out something along the lines of "yea um Jamie can I talk to you?"

"Umm sure Jenny is everything alright?" Momma just shakes her head no.

"Gaby get Britt and aunt Jenny's luggage"

"Sure thing mom, hey Matt get-" He looks over and see's Matt has my luggage in his hands.

"I already got it Gab"

"Um thanks dude" And he grabs my mom's luggage and leads the way to the car.

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