Mystery Man, Words can hurt pt.1.5

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Savanah's POV~

After the stupid speech that Brittney made she ran off the stage crying. Who would cry over a stupid speech like that any ways?

"Wow what a loser!" Some one from the crowd screams after she runs out. Me and my friends' start laughing really loudly while everyone else is quiet.

I poke Steve and say "Wanna go after her?" He nods his head and whispers that to everyone else and they nod their head and we get up and head out.

"Which way did she go?" Steve asks while looking down the halls. We look at Skylar expectedly.

"Um.. theres a tree she-" She gets cut off by a group of boys.... or as i call them the women stealers, running down the hall towards the back.

Bob's POV~

After Savanah and her group of "friends" run out of the auditorium.

"Boys' we got to follow them just in case" The boss says while looking at us with a serious face on.

"Alright stop lookin' at each other and lets move!" I say standing up and clapping my hands. We follow behind Savanah quietly.

"Which way did she go?" Some one from her group says "quietly".

"Theres a tree she-" She get cut off by the boss and our group running by towards the back of the school.

"I know exactly what tree to go to follow me!" I say and start running towards the biggest tree to end up seeing her in the highest part of the tree with her computer out.

Britt's POV~

"I know exactly what tree to go to follow me!" Some one screams..

"great they found me" I mumble under my breath and go back to skyping Dan. He got to leave before my speech thingy. Right now we're playing minecraft

Skype call;

Me: Have you seen Cammy's new skin?

D: No, what does it look like?

Me: The back is a chick and the front looks like a nub..

D: Whats a nub look like?

Me: Its really ugly...

D: Wait if nubs are ugly then that means that your ugly and im ugly

Me: Um....*Long dramatic pause*

D: Wait if your momma nub and you call me a nub then that means you gave birth to me and everyone else you call a nub

Me: *another long pause* *bursts out laughing for a minute*

D: *starts singing a random song*

Me: *Goes silent*

a couple minutes later:

Me: Listen i gotta go turns out someone found my tree..

D: All right see you later

Skype call ends*

"Savanah if you came here to kick my ass then do it later" I call out because i hear people at the bottom of the tree. Next thing i know someone starts climbing the tree with a bunch of fails.

The boss' POV~

"Savanah if you came here to kick my ass then do it later" My lady calls out. Yes i called her mine because she is!

"Sir what do you want to do?" Bob asks in a hushed tone.

"What you are going to do; is climbing the tree and talking to her.

"But sir she got mad at me last time"

"Because you tried to feel her up!" George says while slapping him upside the head.

"You what?! Never mind that George you can go up then" I say while glaring at Bob.


Sorry guys for the crappy chappie i was just really out of it i had a hard time sleeping last night and i was up until 5:30-6:00 IN THE MORNING but now i cant sleep.... and time is going by really freaking slowly. So imma go i love love LOVE you guys and thank you for reading my book, and have a nubalicous day/night and dont stay up past 3:00 like me. :3 .... hey that all rhymed any ways byee.

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