Meeting the "boss" pt.1

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Ello guys sorry i didnt write yesterday.. i have no excuse for not writing soo..... *awkwardly coughs* ahem um yeah.. lets get to the book shall we?


George's POV~

Right now I'm climbing the tree because the boss sent me up the tree to talk to the girl.. Umm whats her name? Oh Brittney!

"Ahem, Dude what do you want and why are you up here?" She says and i look up to see her putting what looks like a laptop in her bag and setting it aside.

"Hello? Are you a mute or something?!" She says while waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh sorry i zoned out"

"It's okay but why the freak are you up here?"

"I came up here to talk to you.. is that a problem?" I ask while blocking her way down.

"No, but okay... so what did you-"

"*static sound* George what's takin' so long? Your supposed to get her and bring her down! Over.. *more static sounds*" Stupid walky talky.

Britt's POV~

After "George's" walky talky thing went off a bunch of things went through my mind, some being "Is he going to kidnap me?" or "Omg im going to get raped aren't i?" my mind is really messed up..

"So George why are you up here and who was that?" I ask while re-positioning myself.

"Well Im up here to tell you that you have to come with us and i cant tell you that part, so come along and i wont do anything mean." he said while holding out his hand, and pulling out the walky talky and saying something along the lines of "she has a bag so imma throw that down to you guys, over" then with out my okay he grabbed my bag and tossed it down to who ever.

"BRO WTF I HAVE A COMPUTER IN THERE!!" And with that being said he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"argh you ass let me down!!!" I scream while slapping his back as hard as possible.

"You know slapping me wont help your case but it makes a good massage" he said while chuckling.

After a few minutes we're on the ground and im still on his shoulder.. YAY! Note the sarcasm please.

"Well, Well looky here she's even more beautiful up close" someone said from behind? or in front.. i dont know! but he had a deep voice.

"i would thank you but i dont know who said it!"

"Go ahead and put her down" and with that i got put down and turned around.

"oh hi Bob thanks for the hand rape the other day" I said while nodding my head.

"Why you son of a-"



sorry to cut it short but my mind is on everything else but this so imma go cuz i got ICE CREAM NOM NOM NOM bai see you thursday or tomorrow mwuahahaha you will never know byeee and have a nubalicous day

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