We're moving?!?!?!!

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"Jenny what's wrong?" I ask this because she normally talks when Gaby's around.

"Nothing its just that she normally stays around me when we come and visit you guys.."

"Do you think its because of Matt?" I think she's worried because Britt has gotten used to hang out around new people.

"I don't know, let's just go and head to the house." She says with very little emotion while sniffling and wiping her nose. I don't know what to say so I just hug her and we start walking towards the car.


So right now the two boys are fighting about who gets to sit by me in the car, while me I'm putting the luggage in the trunk, why did we pack so much if we're just staying for the summer?? I finish putting the luggage in the trunk and look over at the two idiot boys and their on the ground and Matt has Gaby in a headlock saying "IM SITTING NEXT TO HER!!" Me I'm just shaking my head at them.

"Boys" I wait for them to answer me... No answer well let's try a little louder.. "BOYS!!!" They look up.. ughh finally.

"What?" they say at the same time... Not freaky at all.. *note my sarcasm*

"I have an idea... How about I sit in the middle??" I swear these boys don't know how to think..

"GREAT IDEA YOU GENUIS!!!" They scream once again at. The. Same. Time

"Umm not freaky at all but Gaby get in first then I will then this nub." I say while pointing at Matt. They do as told and we sit there bored until Gaby with his smart self suggests we play truth or dare.... YAY!! *Again note sarcasm*


"YESSS" Matt screams in my ear and I jump and slap him on the side of his head.

"Fine just no sexual dares then."

"Fine." Gaby and Matt say while pouting. And I just laugh at them.

"I'll go fist Britt truth or dare" Gaby says while smirking. Oh no....

"Umm truth...." I'm to scared to say dare because of the last time we played truth or dare I had to sleep outside in the rain.. It was not fun.

"Aww you wimp fine, is it true you haven't had your first kiss?" My jaw drops and my face turns a tomato red.

"Yes..." I look down at my lap and plan revenge and my dare for him because I know every time he chooses dare, I smirk to myself and high-five myself too. Don't judge me I'm weird.. My turn.. >:D

"Gaby truth or dare?" I start grinning at him.

"Are you stupid?! Dare of course!" Oh Gaby you so got it coming and sorry Matt...

"I dare you to kiss Matt..." I look at Matt and his face is just freaking hilarious.

"You don't love me do you Brittney?!" Matt says with an adorable puppy dog face on his face and I cant help but feel bad for him.

"You guys have to do it-" I get interrupted by my mom and my smile falls to a frown.

"What do they have to do??" 

"We're playing truth or dare and I dared Gaby to kiss Matt.." after I end the sentence I start laughing my head off and look at her.. Her face isn't what I expected it to be its a mix of disappointment and sadness.

"Aww momma don't do datttt..." I drag the t to hopefully make her face smile but it didn't. Aunt Jamie just shakes her head and starts the car and starts to drive to their house.

"britt by the way we're moving here that's why I told you to pack so much"


"Because I knew you would act this way no doubts about it." I just stay quiet and I didn't notice I was crying until Matt was wiping my cheek.



Hope you enjoyed this chapter... I know it wasn't that good but meh oh well....

Well once again I hope you enjoy the chapter and I will see you tomorrow my lovely nubs...

Nub boss out <3 <3 :D

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