Chapter 1

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Y/n's eyes grew big as she was woken up by a child like shout and body being aggressively shook by a  turquoise  haired  girl. Y/n lightly placed her hands on top of Nikki's hands and removed them from her  blue collar that was previously stretched before by Nikki. 

"Rise and Shine!" Nikki shouted as she hopped beside from Y/n's bed. Y/n groaned  as she started to comb out her tangled (hair color) hair with her fingers. She then took both of her hands as she pushed her roughly combed hair out her face and turned to Nikki with a slight annoyed,stern face.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"Breakfast will be served here soon. So get up!" She stated as she reached under Y/n's bed retrieving her duffel bag and  dropping it on top of Y/n's legs. Y/n yawned as she shooed off Nikki who eventually left the tent so Y/n could get changed. Once the flaps of the tent closed,Y/n slid off the bed before opening the bag full of clothes. She rubbed her hands together  and started to pick out her outfit for the day. She buttoned up her short sleeve red and black flannel, pulled up her blue jean shorts, tying her laces of her black converse, and lastly tying her hair back in a pony tail.  Y/n looked down at her toes and looked her way up her outfit/body mentally praising herself on creating a new but cute outfit. She walked out of the tent  and made her way to the cabin. She grabbed her tray and met her  normal group (Nikki, Neil, and Max)  at they're usual table.

"Good morning guys." Y/n greeted.  They  all greeted back  except for Max who for some reason today had dark circles under his eyes, the circles weren't  all that visible from a distance but it seemed that Y/n was the only one to notice it. So Y/n decided to spark up the  a small conversation with Max by asking him about his night.

"So.. Max? Did you get enough sleep last night? You don't look too good." Y/n spoke as she fiddled with her oatmeal.

"Why don't you mind your damn business." He shot back,laying his head down on the wooden table.

Y/n annoyingly huffed and  started to eat her breakfast. When she finished she asked Nikki if she wanted to go the dock and fish, since it was Saturday and all there wasn't much to do. Nikki happily agreed to Y/n's offer and took Y/n's wrist and rushed out the cabin.

There on the dock is where Y/n and Nikki sat together peacefully in a silence but in a good way. But a thought that been Y/n's mind for a while  left her mouth.

"Hey Nikki, can I ask you something?"

Nikki hummed in response as she reeled in her her fishing pole  before re-throwing  the hook again in the lake. Y/n  lowered her pole  in her lap and sighed before continuing her conversation.

" I've only been here for almost week and everyone been welcoming so far.. but Ma-"

"Max?" Nikki interrupted before finishing her sentence.  " You shouldn't fuss over him, he's always like that." She giggled at the the last part.

" But not with you or Neil. I was just wondering if i'm doing something that's offending him in anyway. It's just like.. I don't know Nikki, I at least want to feel comfortable  if I'm sharing a tent with this dude! But no!, he just wants to be a jackass about everything I do. "

" He's like that with a lot of people, he'll come around. Just don't force it, let it happened. Go with the flow.~" She chimed as she waved her hand emphasizing  the last word of her sentence.

" Yeah.. ' Go with the flow'." Y/n quoted, huffing out a  sigh before continuing to fish. Nikki shifted a quick glance at Y/n before smirking.

"Why do you care so much anyways,Y/n? You aren't.. I don't know developing feelings for our dear Max?" She asked holding in her laughs as best she could. Y/n choked on her spit and started to gasp for air.

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