Chapter 2

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Y/n's vision was somewhat blurry and so was her memory on what happened on her escape from Camp Campbell. She groaned as she slowly shook her head trying to regain consciousness. She groggily looked to her side to see Max tied to a chair getting brutally smacked.

"Why do you keep hitting me? And why is it only cloudy over your side of the lake?!!" He yelled at one of the scouts. The wood scout was announced as ' Petrol', by a voice that ordering him to stop. Y/n snapped her head to where the voice was coming from. She watched as a lanky teen and with bad acne walked away towards Y/n and Max as he referred to them as ' new meat.' Max's eyebrow's furrowed in rage asking the stranger who he was.

"Cedar Scout, First Class, Edward Pikeman. Senior Patrol Leader of Woodscout Troop 818, and it looks like you two are our latest recruits." He stated. Edward walked towards Y/n and leaning closer to her face smiling widely, she notice that Edwards eyes wandered her body.

"And we're definitely gonna have fun with you.~" He said. Y/n 's wrinkled in disgusted noticing how awful his appearance was. She winced at the sight of Edward not realizing that she was speaking her mind out loud.

"God, your face is gross." Y/n's mouth dropped realizing what she just said, even after what she was put through from the Woodscouts she felt bad for saying it . Edward was tooken back by the words that left Y/n's mouth, his face showing a hurt emotion.

"Oh,sorry, that slipped out... I know that was mean."

"Yeah, it really was." Edward commented.

"It's just.. you were so close.." She explained. Max started chuckled under his breath but was then punched in the face leaving him a bigger black eye.

" Max! " Y/n called out, starting to get worried. Max's head hung low slightly turning it to face Y/n's. He looked up at her, locking his eyes with her and showed off a reassuring smirk.

"Enrollment into our organization has reached and all-time low." Edward began. " So we have no choice but to forcibly recruit new members into our program."

" I mean, have you considered that enrollment is low because you guys do things like kidnap other campers?" Max asked,carefully.

"Oh we don't 'kidnap' campers. That's be immoral." Edward smiled.

"That guy literally stabbed Max in the back!" Y/n yelled. But Edward disagreed and reffered that incident as a 'rescue' since they both tried to escape from Camp Campbell.

"And now.. we're going to make a Woodscout out of you two.. PREPARE THE ROPE COURSE! " Edward ordered. Y/n watched as Petrol left the room, only leaving Snake and Edward just with Max and Y/n. Snake grabbed Max by placing him under his arm while Edward picked up Y/n and placing her over shoulder, purposely having her bottom end in front of Edward's sight.

"Get your filthy hands off of me you pig!" Y/n scoffed as she started to frantically kick.

"Enough!" Edward shouted before dropping her on the wood flooring. Max's eyes widened as he watched what just happened, he started to yell and order Edward to leave Y/n alone. Even though Y/n and Max both knew it was no help knowing that they are both tied up. Edward bent down by Y/n and snatching her (hair color) locks in his hand, roughly lifting her head up as began to whisper-yell.

" You're in Woodscouts territory now baby, so you will keep your mouth shut. Do you understand?"

Y/n looked up at Edward mouthing two words , Fuck. You . He shook his head before picking up Y/n again and leading Snake outside where they untied them pushing them to a, what it seemed like a obstacle course.

Half and hour came by and some how Y/n managed to get bundled up in the ropes in one of the courses. And not by any surprise Max seemed to have done the same.

"You know, maybe I don't hate Camp Campbell." He began. "Maybe I just hate everything."

Y/n let out a loud groan before she started fuss her way out of the ropes. She soon was able to slide out of the ropes and dropped to the ground. She slowly stood up as she looked around making sure the coast was clear of Woodscouts. She started to limp her way towards Max trying untangle him out of the ropes. He noticed the way how she started to walk, he looked down noticing that she had a open , fresh cut on her knee that was slowly dripping blood.

"Hey!" Edward yelled as he tried to call the other Woodscouts. Y/n cursed under her breath as she picked up the pace. When Max was free they both ran towards the cement wall as fast as they could. But Y/n's leg gave up, Max turned around and saw Y/n on the ground struggling to prop herself up.

Max just go!" She yelled. She looked behind her noticing that Snake was running towards the two teens, also noticing that he held the candy cane from earlier in his hand. She yelped as she felt being lifted up off the ground and was set on the back Max's back. Max started to climb up the wall and making it to the top. Y/n removed herself off of Max's back and stood next to him on the top of the wall getting ready to jump until she heard a manly scream. She looked at Max who was now being yanked by the foot by Snake. Y/n ran towards Max's need and tried to pull him but in the process she was pushed off the wall. She screamed as she fell but luckily landed on a tree branch. Y/n looked up sighing relief noticing that Max got over the wall safely, she then heard a small cracking noise under her body.

" Oh.. no." She said to herself relizing that it was coming from the tree branch she was on.

The branch snapped and started to fall again, screaming on the top of her lungs. She squinted her eyes waiting for the impact and the feeling of bones being crushed into pieces.

" You can open your eyes now,Y/n." She heard Max say. She slowly opened up her eyes finding out Max caught her ( And was carrying Y/n bridal style *wink*) from the fall. She looked up to meet his eyes and sighed in relief. He started to walk back to the camp which Y/n try to suggest that it would be faster and easier if they both walked but he refused.

" No, if you're not an idiot you will allow me to carry until we reach back to the camp. Your leg gave up when you running on it , you don't want to damage it more."

Y/n's cheeks grew with heat but quickly covered them with her hand. She rested her other hand on her heart , now feeling the beating of her heart picking up the pace.

Why is this happening to her?

Max and Y/n arrived at Camp Campbell by riding a boat that they found near the end of the Woodscouts territory. Max helped Y/n off the boat and onto the dock. He wrapped her arm around his neck as he helped her to they're tent.

" I hope Nikki and Neil are okay..." Y/n spoke softly.

" Why don't you worry about yourself for once." Max replied. Y/n just kept quiet ( not trying to bicker) until they arrived at the tent, where she limped her way towards her bed. Max went over to his side of the tent and retrieved a first aid kit, he began to treat Y/n's knee. She winced a few times since it was sensitive due to the recent pressure that it was put on and for it still fresh.

" I'm sorry.. again" Max mumbled, packing up the first aid kit. He got up and looked at Y/n with a stern face but could slightly tell the concern hidden in his expression. Y/n gingerly smiled and got up from her bed walking closer to Max. Max's eyes widened realizing how close she was towards him, he made a grunt as he was engulfed by a hug but was released quick.

"U-Uh.. I shouldn't have done that? I know a lot of people don't like being touched like that. I-"

"Just go to sleep. You need it." Max interrupted as walked towards his bed and tucking himself in. Y/n bit her bottom lip worried if that might have been her first impression towards Max and now her chances with getting closer to him completely back fired. She crawled into bed and made sure the covers covered her entire body so that Max wouldn't see the small tint of her blushing slowly consuming her face.


End of Chapter 2!

I hoped you like it and please leave your comments down below.

Bye <3

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