Chapter 17

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As Y/n walked out of the locker room with her duffel bag in her hand, she quietly snuck back into her shared tent. Hoping that she didn't wake Max-she tip toed her way in as she carefully slid her duffel bag underneath her cot and plopped herself there as well. She stared blankly at the roof of the tent as she fumbled with her fingers,blowing a loose strand of her hair continuously out of her face. She then shifted her head to the side and noticed the sun getting brighter outside of the flaps of the tent,birds beginning to chirp among her. She swung her legs swiftly off her cot and left the tent once more,in hopes that she could have a talk with Gwen about her dream. Knowing that she specialized in stuff similar of what Y/n dreamt about last night. Walking towards the counselors's cabin, she noticed the purple eyes female groggily walking back to her cabin, carrying her toothbrush and what it looked like a tube of toothpaste in hwr hands. Y/n then jogged towards the counselor, gaining her attention.

"Oh? Y/n you should be sleep for another hour or two. Is everything alright?" She asked, obviously confused and concerned for the teenagers well-being. 

"I was wondering if I can talk to you? I know you had a major in psychology  and I was wondering what experience you have with dreams?"

"Did you have a nightmare? Because if so then nightmares are usually normal to time to time."

"Yes, but um.... this nightmare is different. It kind of relates to problems I have or that I deal with..."

"Give me a few minutes,okay?"

Y/n nodded.

"So I'm going to read the main things that stood out in your dream. And I'm going to read you the meaning or what they symbolize,okay?" Gwen stated as she looked at her clip board and cleared her throat. "So first thing first, bleeding eyeballs symbolizes deep pain or internal conflict. Which can could refer to the sacrifices you made of difficulties you struggle with and the fact that you were looking into someone eyes means that you aren't recognizing yourself.. Which relates to the faceless people-forcing on a loss of identity also the fact that you might have a desire to deepen your knowledge of your own personality in some way of form. Now for the instruments, playing the violin symbolizes peace and harmony and the as for the guitar, that simply means strength in feelings and emotions. And a pair of blue eyes,right? Well it was said that blue eyes symbolizes sadness, grief, depression and as for the white clothes, it means that you are pretty much concealing a side of yourself that no one has seen. I'm aware that in this dream it seemed almost you were forced to play for an audience, like a gig?"

Y/n nervously scratched her plain nails as she averted her eyes away from Gwen's. "My mother... She used to make me play the violin. I have nothing against classical music or anything but if I had to choose an instrument of any kind it would be a electric guitar... the only problem is that, my mother isn't too fond of the idea of 'rock n' roll' and thinks its one of those cliche teen phases that I'm going through. But she used to get so mad bringing it up time to time. So really I had no choice but to force myself to choose what I thought what made my mother happy,you know? And she signed me up for camps and lessons that I didn't want to do, I mean there was no need! I learned mostly everything off of YouTube! But besides from forcing me to play or go to lessons... She would sometimes make me play for her events that she hosted that benefited her company. I would have to wear a satin dress,that I found rather scratchy and these heels. Just thinks about it makes me cringe. Don't get me wrong, sometimes a girl like myself loves to get dolled up but if you're just doing like a requirement... It's kind of not 'fun' anymore."

Gwen sighed quietly,showing sympathy towards Y/n. Poor girl..., she thought. "We'll knowing that...most of those signs mean something. They all pretty explain how you feel, your emotions being portrayed in the most creepiest way as possible. Y/n most of those things indicates that you feel lost... That you're not living to be you...making sacrifices. You're living on how your mother wants you too. You see, you reached for that guitar because you wanted to play it but that faceless man grabbed your hand-pretty much telling you 'no'. So you played the violin because doing so, it only brings peace between you and your mother.. No fighting..."

"No drama.." Y/n finished, Gwen nodded.

" And at the end, the blue eyes are pretty much saying that in the process you're kind of sad for not being you know, you. Because even though you might be good and all.. It's not what you want to do. It's what your mother wants to do, and if I was a parent then I would have you get a say on what you want to play." 

"Wow.. I'm impressed actually." Y/n remarked.

"Hey, those classes paid off! Hopefully now you can finally understand the problem. Now I can't really call your mom and tell her what we both think is right, it's more like you have to live with it or talk it out sometime. You're just going have to accept the fact that your mom can be a critic and stubborn. It's what parents do, hell! Ain't I glad I'm not living with my parents." She laughed as she got up from her seat as Y/n did the same. Both walking out of the small office. "Now that we got that covered,Y/n- the other campers don't have to get up in another hour or soooo, just relax till then. Try to take small nap considering that you woke up in the middle of the night." Gwen advised as she went into her own cabin, assuming where she sleeps. 

Y/n walked back into her tent as she laid among her blankets and pillows. She closed her eyes and without her realizing it she shifted off into a calming slumber.

She then awoke from a commotion outside her tent. Getting up and going to check it out, she noticed Nikki tossing and throwing a green ball in the air and at other campers. "Just playing catch?" Y/n asked herself,walking towards everyone. Nikki seemed to notice and grinned. "Hey, finally up?" Nikki waved to the (hair color) haired girl. With a nod, Nikki made direct eye contact with Y/n and tossed the green ball at her. With a faint smile,Y/n caught the ball and looked down at her hand and noticed that the ball was oddly different from other balls she seen (that sounds weird lmao). She gasped as her eye widened and yelled,"This is a fucking grenade! Take it!" throwing back at Nikki, who caught with a raised brow.

"Nonsense! It's obviously a baseball. Hey catch!" She suddenly announced to Neil as she chucked it at Neil. But once Nikki threw the ball, it was too high for the ivory teen to catch. Missing him,the grenade crash through the glass window of David's cabin. "Sorry foul ball!" Nikki cringed.

"Why did I even come out of the tent?" Y/n groaned, face palming herself.



I know this chapter was slightly shorter than the last one. But Im glad that I got all the of the meanings covered. Anyways.. I hope you enjoyed!😜


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