Chapter 10

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*I do not own this art, credit goes to the original owner*

Y/n's eye fluttered opened to meet a ray of sun peeking through the flaps of the tent, making her squint her eyes. Rubbing her eyes and groaning as she sat up and removed her covers. Her legs dangled off the cot and lifting up her head, her gaze fell upon Max who was getting ready for the day. Noticing that he was almost fully clothed, the only thing that was missing was his hoodie and yellow shirt. Even though his bare back was facing towards Y/n, she couldn't help the wave of heat flooding her cheeks.

"Oh, you're up." Max said as he looked over his shoulder. Turning himself around exposing his lightly toned body. Y/n's eyes took in the attractive view in front of her. "Y..Yeah" was all she could muster out. Being the oblivious teenager Max is,he continued to get dressed as he slid on his yellow shirt. 'Yellow really does suit him.' Y/n thought to herself.

Getting up from her cot and bending over to retrieve her bag she began to take out her outfit for today. " I'll be outside the tent, so when ever you're ready we can go check out that commotion down by the cabin." Max said as he walked towards the tent's flaps with his signature blue hoodie in his arms. Cocking a brow and forming a smirk Y/n let out a amuse huff. "What?" he asked.

"Is little Max waiting for me? It's just a little surprising that's all." Y/n teased. Max responded with an eyeroll and a small chuckle. " I guess you're growing on me." with that he left the tent.

Adjusting the buttons on her button down shirt and double knotting her brown boots, Y/n walked out her tent tying up her hair in a quick yet messy pony tail. Looking beside her, Max raised his eyebrows motioning if Y/n was ready. With a small nod and smile they both made their was towards the cabin joining the other campers. As they got closer to the crowd, the more audible their counselor's voices came to they're ears. " T.G.I.F, Kiddos! Boy, has it been a week!" David exclaimed. "Monday we went base jumping for Erid's Extreme Sports Camp, Tuesday we froze Harrison alive for Magic Camp, Wendsday was a double whammy for Art and Performance Camp, and all of these hilarious props and gags are courtesy of Thursday's Visual Comedy Camp!"

David wasn't lying one bit! It really has been one hell of week for Y/n and the rest of the campers. Y/n looked around herself as she tried to find one camper that they hadn't had a turn yet. That's when her (eye color) eyes fell upon Nurf... oh no. She gulped and crossed her fingers as she was mentally praying that it wasn't his turn, out of all people! Turning her focus back onto the counselors she listened carefully as Gwen was announcing the camper that they will be focusing on this week. Looking at the clipboard, Gwen's purple eyes widened as she saw Nurf's name written across the paper in red ink. "Oh no... it's Nurf!" She said, pointing to the ginger male teenager who was punching Space Kid's helmet. "Oh dear.. Nurf's camp?" David said in unsure tone. Y/n walked up to the counselors and asked them about Nurf's camp, to only find out by Gwen that Nurf didn't sign up for a camp. His parents signed Nurf up for Behavioral Correction Camp.. also known as Boot Camp.

"Fuck Yeah! Scare me straight!" Nurf shouted from afar. " In all seriousness though, if I don't see definitive results I'm contacting my parents."


"Right. We knew this day would come." Gwen said as she looked out the window of the cabin along with Y/n, watching Nurf playing with matches. " I don't know if I can do this, Gwen!" David responded back, pacing back and fourth in a frantic motion. "Camp is suppose to be about learning... and having fun!"

Y/n turned around to face the two worried counselors,to see Gwen in David's face practically screaming. " Well we're going to learn that little shit's some manners, David! Because we are contractually obligated to! I am NOT moving... back in with my parents." Gwen said as she cringed of thought of her last sentence. At the verge of tears, David reminded Gwen how he isn't tough enough to complete the task that she wanted.

A sudden 'screech' rang through everyone's ears. Once it stopped everyone looked over to the chalk board. And right next to it was Max himself, thanking the Quarter Master for letting him use his hook to create the noise and a small brief drawing of Nurf. Walking up towards David and the others, Max clearly explained that he, himself was obviously tough enough to run a boot camp. "Oh really?" Y/n asked as she cocked a brow and crossing her arms. "Yup, I can teach you, David." Max responded. "Teach me?" David asked. "Oh yeah! Teach ya' how to be mean! How to be hard! How to keep kids like Nurf from walking all over you!" Y/n walked her way towards and Max and looked into his meadow green eyes before looking back at the counselors. "He's right. From my experience from being here, there's only one camper that's worse than Nurf.. and it's Max."

"That's right." Max chimed in as he sent a wink towards Y/n. "What do you want?" Gwen asked, giving the mischievous teenager a suspicious glare. " Double desert, no activities for a week, and David's social security number." said Max. Without hesitation Gwen quickly agreed and told David to "Shut up" for he tried to argue on the subject but failing miserably.

"David,you can't just back down from the moment when someone gets into you're face." Y/n explained looking over at Gwen who added, " Yeah, you gotta stand up for yourself! I can't do this alone, which mean you got to pull yourself together!"

"Gosh darn it, you're right,Gwen! Today's the day I get hard!" David said as he slam hist fist into his other hand. Slowly backing away from David, Gwen advised for him to not phrase his sentence like that. "Oh no! Rule Number one: No backing down!" David retorted. " Look out world! I'm hard and I'm coming! Whether he likes it or not, Nurf is going to let me in!" Marching off the the doors and kicking them open, he left the others in the cabin in silence and thinking about what he just said. Cocking a eyebrow and tilting his head in confusion, he leaned over toward Gwen and Y/n and asked, "So does he want to help Nurf.. or fuck him?"


Pages: 3.3

Sorry guys for the long update and for the swearing.. this episode had a lot of swearing in but it's one of my favorite because David ( my cute little cinnamon roll) is trying to be in control and it's so cute when he tries to be tough! Lol, but I hope you enjoy this update and if it wasn't obvious part two of this episode will be published here soon.. so stay tune! Remember spread a positive vibe and have a good day!


-YummKimchii <3

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