Chapter 3

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Author Note: The words in italics and bold is what Max is dreaming a bout.

But please enjoy! <3

The sunlight peaked through the flaps of the tents as it laid upon Max's sunshade skin. A few grunts and groans escaped his mouth as he was in the process in a mini nightmare. He reached for his teddy bear and hugged him close to his chest as the nightmare continued.

Max frantically looked around himself as he notice that everything around him was just pitch black. He ran trying to see if there was an exit. But even if his body was moving it still felt like nothing was being accomplished by doing that. He stopped resting his hands on his knees as his lungs heaved for air. A 'creak' like noise was heard beside him. Max's body tensed up , he stood up turning his body towards the noise. Soon discovering a red door opening itself. Max raised an eyebrow entering the door finding himself in a plain white room when it suddenly shut behind him ,locking itself in the process. He turned himself around and quickly started to fiddle with the door knob. He slammed his palm against the red door repeatedly yelling for help. But nothing or no one responded, the ground he was standing on started to fade away. His body soon felt light as he began to fall, he gasped at first and started to scream realizing that he was falling. He lifted his hands in a swim like motion and hoping he wasn't going to die,not like this anyways. He flipped his body over as his black poofy hair whipped once the air made contact. He's eyes widened noticing that he was about to be crushed into a million of pieces as a cement flooring appeared out of nowhere on the surface. The corner of his eyes stung, flipping himself over once again as the air was hitting his back he rested his arm over his eyes.

"This is it then." He breathed ,accepting from what was about to happen.

Max's mountain meadow colored eyes fluttered open, with blurry vision he tried making out Y/n's appearance beside him with a worried expression on her face. Max sat up rubbing his eyes and sighing as he scooted near the end of his bed. Now sitting next to Y/n he placed one hand on his temple,resting his head. Y/n got off his bed and explained that she woke up due to the noises that Max was making in his sleep. So Y/n was comforting Max with simple pats, fixing his position, and calmly shushing him. Honestly he was kind of shocked when he heard that what she was doing was helping, that's probably why that nightmare was going a lot smoother than his other nightmares. He mumbled a 'thanks' as he got up from his bed and reached for his blue hoodie and sliding it onto his body. Y/n bent down beside her bed as she pulled out her duffel bag. Getting up with a towel, she informed Max that she might be late to breakfast due to her taking a shower.

"So if Nikki wonders where I am just tell her I'll be getting cleaned up."

Max held up a thumbs up as he watched Y/n leave the tent. He sighed as he went into the cabin , he wasn't all that hungry so he sat between Neil and Nikki drinking his normal black coffee.

"Hey.." Nikki began " Where's Y/n, she's usually here."

" She's taking a shower. She'll be late." Max said taking a couple more sips of his coffee. Nikki and Neil looked at each other before looking at Max. Nikki raised a teasing eyebrow and a small grin formed. Neil could see what was happening so he face palmed and sighing shaking his head. Nikki giggled, nudging Max's arm as she wiggled her eyebrows. Max looked up at Nikki to see her expression and backed his face away from Nikki's,confused on why she was making that face.

" What?" He asked.

"You and Y/n seem to be getting 'close'~" She cooed. Max scoffed averting his eyes to his coffee watching the ripples calming down. Max excused himself from the table and went back to the tent trying to get a little bit more sleep .

Nikki watched Max leave the cabin and she quickly turned to Neil with a wide yet mischievous smile spreading to ear to ear. Neil gulped as he gripped the rim of the wooden table tighter.

"I have a plan, are you in?" Nikki asked.

"Depends on what it is." Neil said.

" We're gonna play cupid for a while, it's obvious that Y/n is developing feelings for Max."

"But what about Max? He's that type of person to you know.. ' care '. How are we gonna hook them up?"

"Didn't Max say Y/n was taking a shower?"

"Yes he did, but what does Y/n taking a shower have anything to do with Max?"

"Just follow me, hehe."

Y/n walked into the locker room and placed her towel on a bench. She walked by the trash can as she started to rip off the bandages from last night and throwing them away. She started remove her clothes and folding them neatly next to her towel. She made her way under the faucet of the shower and turned the knob, she squeaked as her soft skin made contact with the icy cold water but soon warmed up to the acceptable temperature. She finally closed her eyes as the warm water trickled over her body, a huge wave of relaxation came over Y/n. Steam started to form around her covering majority of her body, really only seeing her head.

Little did she know Nikki and Neil were sneaking they're way in the locker room.

"She's over here, come on!" Nikki said motioning him the showers. Neil gulped as he grabbed Nikki's hand stopping her from taking another step. Nikki raised an eyebrow turning around to see Neil blushing averting his eyes towards the exit. He explained he couldn't go any further due to the fact that Y/n was a girl, he didn't feel comfortable if there was a chance seeing Y/n naked. Nikki yanked her hand from Neil's grasp and letting out a disappointed sigh , she continued to sneak in the shower area leaving Neil towards the exit. Nikki peaked her head around the corner to see a bench right in front of her, there Y/n's clothes were folded neatly . Nikki snatched the clothes and ran towards the exit meeting Neil.

" Okay I got her clothes, come on!" They both ran out of the locker room and made they're way to Max's and Y/n's tent.

Max just couldn't sleep for some reason, maybe he drank to much coffee. He then heard rushing foot steps coming towards the flaps of the tent. He sat up as Nikki and Neil came rushing in out of breath. Max raised an eyebrow noticing that Nikki was holding Y/n's clothes to her chest, out of curiosity he asked Nikki and Neil what they were doing with Y/n's clothes.

"N-Nothing!" Neil nervously said. Nikki and Neil both ran towards Max's side when the faint sound of foot steps came towards the tent. Drenching wet and with a wrapped towel around a certain person's body, Y/n came in the tent gritting her teeth in anger. She walked up to Nikki who was now hiding behind Max giggling , she snatched her clothes back.

"What the hell,Nikki?! " Y/n asked. Y/n turned her head towards Neil who was also hiding behind Max.

"Were you in on this too,Neil? I thought you were better than this." Y/n added.

" Actually this was Nikki's idea, not mine. I wasn't the one who took your clothes." He said.

" But did you do anything to stop it?"

"W-Well.... I um..." Neil trailed off as looked for Nikki for help. But Nikki just giggled as she averted her eye contact towards Max who's cheeks were tinted with a light shade of pink.

"Max? How do you feel about this? Or are you just going to be quiet? , I mean they are you're friends." Y/n stated ,lifting up her towel that was slightly sliding off. Max couldn't say anything he was most likely trying not to let his eyes wander her body. When a couple of seconds went by Y/n blew a piece of hair out of face before flipping the group off and exiting the tent ( and going back to the locker room , obviously lol) . When the flaps of the tent closed out of no where Max slapped himself. Nikki and Neil both yelped in surprise ,shocked on what just happened.

"Max?.. are you okay?" Neil asked hesitantly. Max turned around looking at them both with a worried look, a moment a silence took place before he spoke.

" Help me... I think I'm feeling ."

( Wait that remind me of.. the Grinch lmao  -----    )

4.1 pages : I hope you like it, please leave a comment down below on what you think!

Bye loves! <3

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