Chapter 5

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Y/n came out of the bushes adjusting her chest wrap, tightening her high ponytail and adding two black strips across her cheeks. She went by the fire where Space kid and Neil were sitting by chanting ' Oogachakga' over again as they pounded a fist a against they're chests. Y/n raised an eyebrow at the strange behavior but shrug it off as she joined in.

"Fellow Freeman." a voice announced from the shadows. Everyone stopped they're chanting as the looked where the voice was coming from. A figure began to walk towards the dim fire's light as it revealed shirtless Max with black markings on his face and his chest. Y/n looked at Max up and down before feeling her face heat at the glimpse on what she just saw. She began to pinch her wrist , trying to stop the strange behavior. Max continued- " There comes a time when a group must fight back against tyranny. Like the minutemen of the Revolution, we will fight for our independence!"

"Minutemen? Mommy calls Daddy that when they argue." Space kid said,smiling innocently. Y/n shifted a glance towards the child with expression of confusion before glancing at Max who was looking at her get up.

"Y/n,why aren't you wearing a shirt?" Max asked as he rose an eyebrow.

"Well it's been a couple of hours and I kind of thought it was some sort of thing to go shirtless and obvioulsy I can't do that, so I put on a chest wrap." Y/n explained, looking down at her 'outfit'. Max scoffed as he went behind a bush to retrieve his hoodie. He walked towards Y/n shoving the garment into her grasp. She looked up at Max who was averting his eyes away from Y/n.

"Max, I-"

"Just put it on. A girl shouldn't be shirtless around boys it's... just here." Max interrupted. He walked over by Neil who was smirking at Max.

"Are you blushing,Max?" Neil whispered. Max looked at Neil wide eyed as his small blush deeply increased. Max punched Neil's arm as he ordered him to be queit and continued with his speech.

"We're gonna hit Camp Cool Kidz with everything we've got! Freebrother Neil... what've you got?" Max asked. Neil rubbed his arm as he pulled out two bombs explaining that they were for being put in David's pants.

"I was saving the-" Space kid began but was interrupted by Max.

"Here's how it will work.. Space kid is the most expendable,so he'll be our decoy."

There was a sudden explosion on the side of the cabin, leaving smoke and dust flying around. Y/n gently pushed Space kid in front of the hole so when the smoke cleared up it revealed Space kid. As Y/n ran towards Max and Neil she could here the negative commotion behind her, what did she get herself into?

A group of campers began to chase Space kid. Y/n nervously began to chew her fingernail's as the scene began to unfold. She watched as Space kid lead the group into a trap that Neil and Y/n set up before hand. The group of children began to scream as they fell into a pit that was covered with a sheet of green leafs. Nikki and Ered followed behind, finally making it to the scene that just occurred. Nikki and Ered walked towards to pit and gazed at it.

"Whoa! Awesome!" Nikki exclaimed. A annoyed coughed from Ered quickly made Nikki change her opinion on the situation. "You fiend!" Nikki added.

"You're the fiend!" Max exclaimed as he approached Nikki and Ered, with Neil and Y/n behind him.

"What do you losers want?" Ered asked. Neil quickly shouted ' justice ' as Y/n nodded in determination.

"You guys are here to rescue me?" David asked as a smile began to spread in reassurance.

"No. Shut up David!" Max yelled, earning a sad 'aw' from David.

"Pssh, I'd like to see you try and fight us." Ered challenged. Max smirked as he began to spin a stick with a blade tied on to it. But soon the stick snap leaving the blade to fly off of the stick and hit an animal. A awkward silence occurred among the teens until Ered ordered Nikki ( like a dog ) to attack. Nikki swiftly got on all fours and began to growl and bark like a wild mammal. Max and Nikki squared up as they both began to walk in a slow circle. Neil and Y/n stood back and watched what was happening.

"No violence! Violence never solves anything!" David shouted as he tried to be the voice of reason.

"Stab her,bitch!" Gwen shouted as she stared in awe,still watching trash T.V. Nikki pounced on Max but was harshly thrown off of him with a little help from the previously snapped stick. Nikki slid across the dirt covered ground growling, returning on all fours she charged at Max ready to bite him. Max with wide eyes held up his stick in front of him shielding him from Nikki's fangs.

"Nikki, give it up, she doesn't care about you! She just uses people!" Max explained.

"Don't listened to him,Nikki!" Ered shouted. Nikki stopped biting for a moment to reassure Ered knowing what ever Max was saying wasn't true.

", of course it's true, just don't listen to him!" Ered answered . Max soon kicked Nikki off of him leaving her to fall on the ground. Nikki sat up as she saw her glasses shatter, Nikki's face drooped in the diasppointed of her beloved glasses. Suddenly a loud car horn was heard and smashed into the pole where David and Gwen were tied too.

'How did David even survive that?' Y/n thought to herself. She watched as the other campers did the same, the driver to exit it's car and be revealed.

"Did somebody say.. 'Cameron Campbell?'" The older man said.

"Mr.Campbell? You saved me!" David replied.

"... Yes! I definitely saw you and was fully aware hitting you with my car would be the best course of action!" Mr.Campbell said as he tried to play off the mistake.

"Please, excuse the condition of the camp, sir. Things got a little out of hand, but we can fix it, I swear!"

"Haha, the old ' Taking- over- the-camp- from- the-counselors-and tying-them-the-flagpole' routine!" He sighed dreamily before he added one more sentence, " I remember my first time." He walked into the cabin and walked out before retrieving a big wad of cash.

"Hey Cam! Can't you see this guy is a terrible counselor and he needs to be dealt with?" Max asked.

"Eh? Oh,sorry kid, I've got other things to deal with. Campbell's got a poker game to get to! I'm not gonna give too many details,but let's just say if I win, I could end being the Prime Minister of Thailand!"

"But our revolution!" Y/n protested walking towards Mr.Campbell.

"This is serious! We're leading a charge to make a difference! We are the ninety-nine percent!, I saw it on T.V!" Max ranted as he stomped his foot.

"Oh,you kids and your dreams!" Mr.Campbell chuckled.

"Dude, we're legit like thirteen or fourteen right now." Y/n mumbled as she crossed her arms.

"Someday, you'll learn that no matter how righteous you think your cause is, There's always someone bigger to keep you down! And that day, is someone me." Mr.Campbell explained.

"Say what now?" Max asked.

*Now back in the cabin*

"Make it shine now, kids! I had to cut costs on provisions, so you'll be using those toothbrushes later!" Mr.Campbell announced as he watched all the campers and counselors get to work.

"Whelp, I feel like that was a futile." Y/n said.

"Yeah, I agree. Sorry,Max." Nikki added.

"It's alright, I think we know this is Neil's fault. "

"Yep lesson learned. Never even try or think about trying to change something or anything,ever."

Pages: 3.8

I hope you enjoyed!!!

Bye, loves!!! <3

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