Chapter 29

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(Eye Color) eyes fluttered opened, blinking away the rays of sunlight seeping through the curtains. Y/n sat up, covers falling off of her upper body. She looked to her side and notice a note that read; DRINK UP :)

Y/n smiled as she took the cup off the bedside and smoothed her thumb over the rim of the plastic. "Only David." She laughed to herself.

The cold liquid enters her body and settling in the pit of her stomach. Her body relaxed even more as the coldness of her drink spreads in her intestines. (A/N: I swear, I don't know about you guys but I just love that feeling, especially on a hot day... okay... I'll go..) Y/n sighed as she rests head on the backboard of Gwen's bed, memories from yesterday playing in her head.

"Why me?" She grumbled.



Y/n placed the cup back on the bedside and slid off the bed and went to the door. She opened it as her eyes traveled up from David's red knees to his green eyes. "Well, good afternoon, Y/n." He chirped.

"It's already in the afternoon? Geez, why didn't you wake me up with the rest of the camp?"

"You needed the rest."

"I would have been fine without the extra hours. But, thanks anyway."

There hesitation with David before he spoke. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

" I rather not and if it's possible, to not treat me any different than before ... that happened."

"Of course."

"Anyways! So why are you here? Do you need something or..?"

"Well, I just wanted to say that the parents are here."

"What? Parents?"

 "Today is Parent's Day."

"Wait?.. are you saying my mom is coming?!"

"Well the bus is here but there is no sign of her. But I wouldn't fret about it! Look," He began as he squatted down to Y/n's eye-level. " between you and me, Gwen told me about the problems with your mother and how she makes you feel.. so I was hoping this could be a day where you can open up to her."

"David, it's my mother. If you think I haven't tried that then that's very narrow-minded of you. She doesn't want to hear it! She's too blind to see over that fucking dumb ass wall she built!"


"Sorry, but it true." Y/n pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Just try." He smiled.

"Well, I can't promise you that she will be here. She has missed out on a lot of events due to her hectic work schedule."

"Well, if she does come I would like to mention that by the end of the day we will be performing what we have learned here at camp. And I know, you were signed up for music camp so maybe you could try to find something different to do by tonight."

"I'll have to play, no questions asked. It's how my mother is, David."

"I know and if I would have thought this through, you wouldn't have to do this."

Y/n sighed. "But it's whatever. I'll only be doing it for one night so don't make a huge deal out of it. I should be practicing anyways."

"Are you trying to make me feel better?" He chuckled.

(Camp Camp) Max x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now