Chapter 9

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* I do NOT own this art! Credit goes to original owner!*

"This absolutely humiliating!" Max stated, fixing his beard.

"What a waste of time! We could be working on that flame-thrower right now!" Neil agreeing.

"Oh yeah? Well what about me? I hate being Juliet! I wanna be someone cool, like Xena, or Rambo!" Nikki chimed in.

"Well you don't exactly get to perform,Nikki. You're an understudy for the 'real' Juliet." Neil explained.

"Speaking of Juliet, are you nervous about your big kiss scene?" Max teased as he made smooching noises towards Neil, who was telling Max to stop the reminding him since he was already freaking out.

" Who is playing Juliet? Were we ever told?" Nikki asked, looking around at the other actors that were rushing around either getting ready or setting up props.

" I think she's over there, getting her make-up done by Gwen." Max pointed out.

The three teens looked over to the mysterious girl, who's backside was facing them. They continued to look until Gwen was done and left to attend David on the stage who was giving a introduction. The mysterious girl stood up from the chair with a dress that was identical to Nikki's but more fitting and with (hair color) hair in a bun.

"Is that.." Nikki trailed off.

"Y/n?" Neil replied, finishing off Nikki's sentence.

Finally turning around, revealing her touched up features she began to walked towards the stage walking past the group.

"Out of all people, Neil has to kiss Y/n?" Max breathed.

With snicker from Nikki and cocking a brow, she leaned over to Max with a wide grin spread across her face.

"And why would that be a problem?" She asked.

"I-I never said it was a problem! I just think if Neil is going to kiss someone than I think it should be someone else, you know, suitable for his liking."

"Right." Nikki chuckled,emphasizing her word.

With an eye roll, Max pulled out a a cell phone with a tree logo in the center and gave a sinister laugh as he began to unlock the screen.

" Is that David's phone?!" Nikki asked rather loudly.

Shushing Nikki, Max started to scroll through David's Tinder account and criticizing everything that he saw on his profile, referring it as "desperate".

"Hey guys." Said a soft voice.

When the three teens looked up they saw Y/n standing from of them with a small smile, rubbing her arm nervously.

"I just wanted to wish you guys good luck out there that's all."

"Y-You too, after all you have the main role." Neil replied.

" Well you do too but thanks, heh. Anyways, I should be going now the show is about to start. Oh! And Max?, you'll be on in a second, Preston wanted me t-"

"Juliet! Wizard!" Preston yelled interrupting Y/n and startling Neil. "You're about to get your cue! I will not have you ruffians ruin my big DEBUT! Now get! " Preston added as he began to push the two towards the stage.

Pushing Max on stage, Preston took Y/n's wrist stopping her from joining Max. Turning her head, she cocked an eyebrow at the strange action.

"Sorry.. for yelling back there. I've just been stressed out by putting on this play... it's just.. You're just marvelous, you know that?"

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