Chapter 6

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It hasn't been to long since I've arrived to Camp Campbell, almost a month. And here I 've met a great of group of people that I would consider my friends. Nikki, Neil, and Max. They're personalities are a 'unique' combination but in a good way, you can really tell the difference in all of them. But anyways when I first got here everyone was so welcomed and warmed up to me right away but Max was the only one who stuck out from the rest. I would consider him my friend and you don't know how relieved I am to be this close in a short amount of time. But the more I hang out with Max the more I 'feel', you know? Every time I'm around him in certain moments my face will randomly become heated or flustered, when he smiles or smirks makes me feel warm inside.. which will sometimes put a small smile on my face, we were in situations before where he showed his caring side. Such as tending to my wounds from the time we try to exscape camp, and carried me all the way back to Camp Campbell, and there was that time that he lend me his blue sweater when all I was wearing was a chest wrap. Honestly I could of went back to the bush and put on my shirt but I didn't want to refuse the offer. All those experiences now, just thinking about them makes my heart skip a beat. Which makes me wonder.. Do I have a crush on Max? I couldn't be right? I mean there could be reasons or explanations to explain why I act this way towards him. I just don't understand , I'm 14 years old and never had a crush on anybody before or felt/acted this way for that matter. So why am I starting now? .... Do I actually have a crush on short-tempered boy?

Y/n sighed as she shut her notebook and placed it beside her, looking up at the veiw of the lake. She watched the sun begin to set and the colors dance as they began to blend into eachother making tints of orange, pink, and purples with the right amount of a light blue. She sighed happily enhaling the sweet smell of humid air, considering she's sitting on the docks. She swung her legs in and out, humming a small tune until she heard footsteps behind her. She turned her body around and spotted Max making his way over to her. Her cheeks were tinted with a light shade of pink, biting her bottom lip. She turned her head around and fiddled with thumbs.

"Hey." Max greeted,sitting down beside Y/n. Y/n pushed a lock of her hair behind her and akwardly waved at him. Max noticed the notebook beside Y/n and leaned over towards her and grabbed it but was quickly snatched out of his hands. Y/n held it closed to her chest and explained it was a journal that she wrote in a couple of times that she was here.

"It's best somethings remained a secret, heh." She added,placing it down in the previous spot.

"Oh, I didn't know.. my bad." He said rubbing the back of his head. There was a long silenced between the two but Y/n wasn't gonna let this moment with Max, alone pass up. She cleared her throat before she started to speak.

"So... what's home like?"

Max's stern face deepened as he let out a sigh and formed a sorrowful smile as he looked at Y/n. Explaining that his home wasn't completely the best and that he felt invisble most of the time. Noting that Max didn't want to get into too deep his experience at home the two remained silent once more.

"So... you're parents ignore you too?" Y/n breathed adding a small chuckle,, trying to light up the mood. Max's eyebrows raised as he looked at her in shock. Out of all the people here on camp, he wouldn't expect her to be the one to be ignored by her parents.

"You see my Dad, he left my Mom when she was pregnant with me.. for another women. Not wanting to take the responsibility of being a father, he left and he never came back. And as for my Mom she's too busy with work to even notice me most of the time, heh. You know before I left my house, I waved goodbye and saying that I loved her, but in return all she did was wave it off contiued to take her call. And here I am sitting here with you and rambling.. I'll stop, you must be getting pretty bored of me." She said as a tear slipped out. Max leaned in and wiped the fallen tear that was shed. Y/n tensed up of the sudden compassionate feeling on her skin. She turned her head,facing Max as she became flustered noticing how close they're faces were. Max scanned Y/n's body noticing that she was slowly getting goosbumps. Max backed up and took off his blue hoodie and wrapped it around Y/n's sholders. With a closed eyed smile Y/n nuzzled the lower half of her face into the blue fabric.

Max was chilly himself but for some reason just looking at Y/n's actions warmed him up on the inside and outside. He began to feel his heart beat faster than usual, he placed his hand on his chest and clenched the fabric. Y/n raised an eyebrow as she leaned closer to Max's face, placing the back her hand on his forehead. Simply stating that he was heating up and hoping that he wasn't getting sick. Without thinking Max snatched Y/n's arm and let his grip remain on her arm. Y/n gulped nervously,wondering if she past her boundry by touching Max but was relieved that Max's face soften as he began to lean in towards Y/n's lips. Inch by inch, centimeter by centimeter, their lips started to come closer until a light-hearted voice ranged through both of they're ears, snapping them out of they're trance. Annoucing that everyone will be gathering around the camp fire in ten minutes. They both pushed eachother off and got up scratching the back of their heads akwardly. Y/n grabbed her stuff and return Max's hoodie before dashing off back to her tent. On her way she spotted Niki waiting by the flaps of her tent, waving agressivily excited that she got to see her friend.

"Y/n!, I haven't see you all d-" Nikki was interrupted by being snatched by her arm and dragged into the tent. Once inside Y/n put her notebook under her bed and started to pace back and fourth frantically. With a concern look Niki sat on Y/n's bed wondering what was wrong.

" I almost kissed,Max! Like I'm not making this up! We were talking and.. and-"

"Well who leaned in first?! Wait.. do you like him?!" Niki squealed as she gripped Y/n's sheets.

" Well Max did but I don't even know if I like him! Does he even like me?!"

"Well obviously he does if he leaned in first."

"But how do you know? Maybe he did it because we were in the 'moment'."

" Oh, the 'moment'~" She cooed.



"Shut up."

Sorry for taking so long to update. It's been busy with school lately and I've been trying to brainstorm and type all of this on my free time and by the looks of it, I don't get a lot of free time lol. But anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and please feel free to comment.


YummKimchii <3

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