Chapter 21

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"So let me get this straight? Your name is Jeremy Fartz?" Max asked.

Jermy stopped picking his nose as he looked down as the ground bashfully and shook his head. "I wish.. It's actually Jermy Fartz. It's a family name, but both of my friends call me Big Nips."

"Why do they call you Big Nips?" Neil asked.

"Why would you even want to know?" Y/n mumbled as she crossed her arms above her chest, trying to push away the urge to gag.

"Oh,well, you see.." Jermy trailed as he took his hands and lifted up his sweater to reveal his upper body. Y/n gasped at the sight of his chest flopping out as the sweater was removed, revealing his huge dark nipples. Y/n's throat began to burn as she began to gag out loud. She slapped a hand over her mouth and quickly turned away.

There was a few moments until Nikki turned around and rubbed Y/n's back,"You can turn around,Y/n." , so she did.

"Yeah, apparently it's a rare condition and the ointment I have to use to stave off the chafing smells like old jerky on a hot day but-"

Max quickly turned around and faced the group,blocking out Jermy from his attention. "Okay,seriously. What's this kid's deal? He has to be a plan,right? There's no way we could do this! Ah! I don't want to be taken by the Wood Scouts!" He complained,throwing his head back.

"You?" Neil scoffed, " Why would they take you,Max? If anything,you're the most liable to ruin this whole thing for everyone. I'm obviously the best camper here."

"Come on,Neil. I'm the most rambunctious and lovable. I'm the best!" Nikki grinned.

"Now hold on,guys." Space Kid began,easing his way in the conversation. "I think we all know who's the best camper here."

A moment of silence...

"Heh,yeah,fair enough." and with that Space Kid left.

"Now,kids. Let's not fight about who's the best." David said.

"Because it really doesn't matter." Y/n spat, earning an eye roll from Max.

"True, but you're all the best!" David exclaimed.

"Literally impossible." Neil pointed out.

"Now, why don't we all put this silly bet aside and focus on welcoming Jermy to-"

"Fartz!" Jermy reminded the counselor.

" Right... Jermy..Fartz to Camp Campbell! Who's up to a nature hike?"

"Eh. I'm down." Y/n shrugged, raising her hand.

Jermy then pulled out a pink slip from his greasy sweats and held it up to David.

"What's this?" David asked,taking the slip from his hands and reading it.

"I hate to be a Deborah Downer, but this letter from my mom,Mrs. Fartz, says I can't go on hikes due to my.. IBS."

A fart squeezed out of him.

The stench from the fart hit Y/n and made her eyes water as she gasped for fresh air. She turned to David and buried her face into his shirt, clenching the fabric. "I don't think I can do it,man!" She muffled.

"Jesus Christ!" Max yelled as he face palmed.

" Okay,guys." Neil breathed, " I'm drawing a line here. Back where I'm from, I used to be the loser kid that everyone laughed at and you know what? It sucked! I say we give this guy a honest shot."

Y/n slowly let go of David and looked over her shoulder to see the determination in Neil's eyes. She fully turned around and cocked a brow watching the ivory teen strut his way to Jermy.

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