Chapter 14

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Y/n stormed out her tent as she blew a lock of her hair out of her angry expression face. It wasn't until an arrow was launched into the air; catching her attention; and shooting right into the center of the fire pit and rapid fire emerged as it made the campers gasp. There was sudden native drumming filling the breeze of the campsite, Y/n looked up to see her two couselors dressed as Native Americans along with the Quartermaster being responsible for the arrow that was launched. 

" Camp Campbell campers!" David announced as he approached the teens, feathered headdress swaying back and fourth. He held up his right hand and with a stern face he added, "Hau."

Y/n couldn't help but stifle out a laugh at the silly greeting, failing to realize Max walking out of the tent groaning in annoyance at his counselor. "Why?" Max sighed as he massaged the bridge of his nose.

" I am sure you must be wondering who we are,but have no fear. I-" David began but was interrupted by Max walking towards the group ( Nikki, Neil,and.. Y/n), "David, what the fuck are you doing?"

" I am not David!," David corrected, " ..though.. if he were here he'd tell you to mind your language. I am Chief Squatting Bear."he finished proudly.

Y/n covered her smile with her hands as she quietly laughed into them. " This is so awesome."

"Gwen, why is David dressed like a turkey?" Nikki asked.

Pitching the bridge of her nose she replied, "Because he's fucking David, Nikki. You've been here long enough to figure that out."

"Gwen! Don't break character!" David harshly whispered before turning back around to answer Nikki's question, " And I'm not a turkey. I'm an Indian chief."

"Like Max?" Neil asked.

"What? Uh-no! Like the Cherokees! You know, WOWOWOWO!" he explained, imitating an Indian. 

"Wow that is racist." Max commented.

"Agreed." Y/n added.

"Seriously. Are you offended?" Neil asked with a cocked brow.

Suddenly another flaming arrow was launched and shot into the ground not too far from the group, immediately catching all four teens attention. "Silence!" exclaimed the Quartermaster,turning back to David and said, " Do your thing.".

"Uh.. Right! We represent the Order of the Sparrow. A secret society that gathers only to honor the most worthy of campers."

The four teens looked at one of another before Nikki looked at David. " So what are you doing here?" she asked. David face palmed as he sighed, walking closer to the campers.  " Look, guys, the order's been around since I was a camper. It's a huge honor! And it's really cool!" he said.

"I'll believe that when I see it." Max sneered. 

"Max, just give David a chance. I bet it sounds better than it looks." Y/n told him. 

" She's right! Because today you will all be given the chance to prove your worth." said David. 

"Do we have to?" whined Harrison.

"No, but-" David began but being interrupted by the campers walking away, he frantically waved his arms in the air and suddenly revealed that it was mandatory and quickly earned annoyed groans from pretty much all the campers, except from Y/n who kind of had faith for David. "But, those of you who are accepted into the Order will receive the ultimate prize." he finished.

"Huh? There's a prize!" Nikki eagerly asked.

" What is it?" Neil chimed in along with all the other campers who were interested.

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