Chapter 19

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A/N: Someone told me the correct term of a "stick" for a violin is called a "bow" lol so thank you for clarifying, okay let's continue...


I can't believe it... I lost.., Y/n thought. She dropped her bow and violin and dropped to her knees as she stared at the ground. Her eyes widen and tears were forming in the corners of them. This is it... I'm going to die.. and this is what I chosed.. I could have done better... But I let myself focus on him rather than myself...Would Mom even care? Would she even know? I never really thought I would die at a camp.

Y/n felt her collar tighten around her neck as her body was being dragged from behind. Y/n gasped for air as she pulled the front side of her collar, breathing in as much air she could. She looked up and saw Daniel with his pernicious smile, his eyes caught hers and noticed the teenager crying but all he did was roll his eyes as he stopped the dragging. He let go for a brief second before snatching her wrist. Y/n saw that they were in front of the sauna,stem leaking out of the machine. "Any last words?" Daniel asked. Y/n glanced up at him with a emotionless face and swiftly swung her fist into his cheek. His face did not react,he held his ground. Daniel continued to smile and opened the door, "I can't wait to sacrifice you." He harshly commented before throwing Y/n into the sauna. 

Y/n got up quickly and ran towards the opened the door but it slammed in her face. Y/n banged on the metal door, harder when she saw the stem surround her. She screamed and let out cries but yet no response except for Daniel's faint sound of chuckling. Y/n stood on her tip-toes and looked out the small window and noticed him leaving as he made his way back to the camp site. Y/n wiped her tears as she sunk to the ground and brought her legs to her chest,wrapping her arms around them. 

The robotic voices and the thick atmosphere had a huge effect when the subliminal messages settled in her mind. Y/n groaned and squinted her eyes shut, placing her hands on her head. "What the fuck!" She shouted. "Stop!" She quickly opened her eyes and got up. She started to bang in the door once again and screamed as loud as her lungs could let her. But yet no one came..she fell to knees once again and felt herself, her psyche loose itself as if she had no more control anymore.

"So who wants to go first?" Dolph asked as he lead to the trio to the sauna.

"I would like to point out the fucked up implications of specifically you putting specifically me into a gas chamber." Neil stated, eyeing the sauna.

"Ah! This is no gas chamber! We just use high-pressured steam, and subliminal messaging to deconstruct your psyche, and rebuild you in a form that will please the Ancient Ones!" He explained. And right then the door of the sauna opened as it let out a bunch of stem. And out walked out Y/n, pupils expanded,and clothes white. Y/n walked closer to the group and smiled as she tilted her head to the side.

"And I love it." She said in a monotone voice. The trio gasped and cringed at the sight of their friend being brainwashed as everyone else.

"Oh,hey guys." greeted Ered behind them, they all faced her. "You guys are just in time to help prep for the killer party." She then points to the table where Space Kid,Harrison, and Nerris were making purple kool-aid.. well poison that is.

"Daniel says that once we've all been cleansed, we shall consume this wonderful elixir, and ascend to our final form. Isn't that right,Daniel?" Nerris asked.

"Right you are,Nerris!" Daniel chimed behind the three teenagers. They yelped as they all tried to run away from the  cultist but Daniel managed to grab Nikki and Neil.

"Max! Do something!" Neil pleaded.

"You maniac! You brainwashed the entire camp!" Max called out.

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