Chapter 20

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Y/n found herself standing at the foot of the hospital bed,body flooding with terrified and anxious emotions. She couldn't move,she couldn't speak. All she could do was not do anything but staring at the blonde pale male lying in bed. His chest and stomach inflated and deflated with small breathes of air, heart monitor beeping to his steady and positive beat while Y/n's was racing.

She wanted to move, she wanted to leave the room where Daniel lied. She constantly told herself to "Get out...", "Move!".. but she couldn't find the strength to pull herself out of the trance she was in. She was beginning to get frustrated with the lack of control she had on herself, the fear pumping in her veins. The corner of her eyes stinging,practically screaming to let out the streams of tears. Her vision got blurry,tear welling up. Sniffling, Y/n finally made a move and wiped away her tears. Rubbing her eyes. When her hands were removed she gasped as stumbled back into a chair. Hair falling loosely in her face. Her eyes widened, pupils scanning the area, breath hitching.

Daniel was suddenly not his bed, almost like he disappeared out of plain sight. Y/n gripped the arm rests on the chair,palms clammy. Her heart beat rang through her ears as she slowly got herself up. She stood up and walked over to the door,opening it to see a empty office. But a small white light shone above,flickering. Y/n peaked her head outside of the room and looked both ways to see two dark empty hallways.

Y/n slowly stepped out, and crossed her arms over her chest as she bit her bottom lip. She took a deep breath and slowly walked down the hallway on her right,where she saw a green lit exit sign hang above a push-open door.

As she was walking, the speakers in the hallway abruptly turned on .Letting out a terrible static sound before it cleared. Daniel's chuckle was booming through the speakesr,his terrifying voice echoing through the building. Goosebumps shot through her entire body,body hairs spiking up. Y/n picked up her pace, practically jogging towards the exit.

The building shook, feeling a mini earthquake occurred. Y/n tripped and fell to the tile floors. She looked up and saw that the hallway was extended and the half way through, a big chunk of the floor crumbled. Y/n looked behind her as she hoped that she could find another exit on her left,hallway. Suddenly the shaky feeling stopped and Y/n quickly got herself up and began to run towards the other hallway.

Come little children,I'll take thee away..into a land of enchantment...

Daniel's vocals rang through Y/n's ears and she started to run faster,nearly running past the office a dark figure was faintly seen through the darkness of the hallway.

Come little children, The times come to play.. here in my garden of magic...

Y/n stopped,heaving for air. The flicker of the light,flickered faster as so did her heart beat.

Follow, sweet children, I'll show thee the way.. through all the pain and sorrow...

Daniel's body walked out of the darkness, his gown brushing against his skin. Y/n gulped as she inhaled sharply. "Why am I here? What do you want from me?!" Y/n screamed.

Weep not,poor children..for life is this way..murdering beauty and passions...

Y/n's eyes brimmed with tears,wiping them away with the ball of her hands. She saw him take a step closer to her, she took a step back.

Hush now,dear children.. it must be this weary of life and deception...

Y/n began to back away more and more slowly until she gathered the strength to bolt towards the only exit she found and had access too. Y/n looked over her shoulder for a brief moment and notice the aquamarine glare following close behind her. Y/n snapped her head back,facing forward and picking up the pace. She noticed that she was getting closer to the exit and she was going to have no other choice but jump her way to freedom. "Leave me alone! Please!" Y/n screamed once again, voice cracking due to the fact of her dry throat.

"Oh my god..Oh my god..Oh my god.." She breathed. Her eyes widened as she took one last step and leaped in the air. She gasped as everything around her seemed like slow motion. Her arms waving in the air,craving to grab onto something as she saw her body barely making it to the exit. When she caught glimpse of a pipe sticking out of the pre-crumbled flooring, she grabbed it as she dangled from it.

Y/n's breath hitched as she tried to pull herself up,trying not to die. She grunted and painfully moaned,using every ounce in her body to save herself from a bottomless pit. She took a quick glance down and yelped before looking over her shoulder and saw that Daniel wasn't there anymore. Y/n slowly turned her head towards the exit and saw a pair of pale feet,gown hovering over them.

Rest now,my children..for soon we'll away into the calm and the quiet...

Y/n slowly looked up and saw the wide psychotic smile formed on his lips. The corners of Y/n's lips weighed down into a frown as the tears began to swell up once again. Her grip around the pipe gotten tighter of the sight of the terrifying cultist. He laughed loudly as he slammed his bare foot on her hand and twisted the heel of his foot upon her soft skin. Y/n let out a painful cry which only brought to joy to Daniel's ears.

Daniel removed his foot as he knelt down in front of Y/n's face and whispered, "I should have killed you when I had the chance." and with that he clawed her skins and pried them off the pipe, holding onto her hands,he spat in her face before letting her go and dropping her in the pit.

Y/n jolted up flooding with tears, gasping for air. She snatched her covers off of her body as she slung her legs off her cot,placing a hand over her rapid beating chest. Y/n closed her eyes shut,taking deep breaths as she tried to calm herself down. Reopening her eyes, she wiped her tears away as she sniffed a couple of times before looking up. She froze when she caught glimpse of a sunshade boy looking at her.

The silence between the two made Max feel like everything around them stopped. He noticed the furrowing of Y/n's eyebrows made him ache for pity for the young teen. He noticed Y/n get up from her cot and mumbled a "Sorry.." before making her way to the flaps of the tent.

Without hesitation he sprang from his cot and grabbed Y/n's hand, a moment of pause. Both heart's slowly picking up the pace, the sound of crickets played through the breeze. Y/n looked over her shoulder before turning around and looked at Max. "I...I didn't mean to wake you." She murmured.

Max closed his eyes and let out a sigh as he tugged on her arm, pulling her into a hug. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and rested his chin on her head. Y/n first froze at the sudden action but gradually settled in the comfort. She snaked her arms around his back and nuzzled her face in his yellow t-shirt. She let out a few more tears before she had to let go and wipe them. She took his hand into hers and stroked his surprisingly soft palm with her thumb,revealing a small weary smile on her (lip color) lips. With a little tug of Max's arm and standing on her tiptoes,she planted a delicate kiss on his right cheek.

Max's eye's widen and looked down at Y/n,flustered. "W..What..I.. Ummm..." He stuttered. Y/n giggled before patting her hand on his chest and simply said, "It was simply a kiss of gratitude,thank you."

Max stood there shocked for a moment before he watched Y/n walk back to her cot and tucking herself in. She shifted a bit underneath her covers and looked over at Max,opened her mouth ready to say something but stopped. "What is it?" Max asked,walking closer to her.

Say it!,She thought... "It's nothing."


Pages: 4.1

I wasn't going to let the reader confess to Max that easy,did you? lol I know I know,I'm pretty mean but it'll be all worth it in the future chapters. Anyways hope you enjoyed this and stay tune for the next!

-YummKimchii <3

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