Chapter 11

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The wails of whimpering and the flooding of tears echoed throughout the cabin. David sat on the wooden table crying as Gwen wrapped a bandage around his hand, which was previously stabbed by Nurf. Y/n couldn't help but cringe of the sight held before her. Looking over at Max, Y/n saw the disappointment plastered across his face. "You're pathetic." was all he could say to the devastated and injured counselor.

"And you're getting blood on my boot.." Y/n added as she wiped off the substance with a white table napkin nearby. Gwen shook her head as she continued to wrapped the bandages around David's frail hand. "Guys, I just don't know if this whole 'tough guy' technique is going to work. What if we just... I don't know.. give him a hug? Those always make me feel better." David said between sniffles. Jumping onto the table and taking out his hand of his pocket, he exclaimed "No hugs!" before he slapped David on the cheek. "You've just gotta change your perspective on life. Tell me how you do feel about you're co-counselor, Gwen?" Max asked. Taking a moment to think about Max's question. David began to answer it by naming off all the good traits about Gwen and Max wasn't having it. "No! No! You're being positive again! Gwen's the fucking worst!"

"Excuse me?!" Gwen yelled before looking down at Y/n. "Do you feel this way?"

Y/n looked away for a moment as she responded, " Not necessarily.. I mean you're great and all but you do tend to slack off, read garbage, and most times you have no idea on what you're doing with your life." Gwen was almost taken back from the answer she received. Max quickly stepped in between the two females and point his finger directly into Gwen's face and reminded her, out of the blue, that there was no time-traveling doctor coming to save her. Y/n cocked a confused brow at the phrase that came out of Max's mouth, looking over at Gwen Y/n noticed the tears swelling up in her eyes. " I just want to have his British babies!" She shot back as she ran out of the cabin crying. Max let out a sigh before he turned back to David and placed a hand on his shoulders. "Now,it's your turn."


Walking towards the docks with Max and David, Y/n notice Nurf stroking a cute little kitten. The sight made her crack a smile until she realized a string was attached to the collar of the kitten. The string ended up leading to the finishing pole that Nurf held in right hand. As the trio got closer to the ginger teen, Nurf swung his fishing pole towards the water as the kitten flew into the lake, letting a out a soft meow before being engulfed by the water. "Nurf, I got a bone to pick with you." David scolded,waving his finger in the air.

"Let him have it!" Max encouraged David as he contiued with his scolding. "Now I know this might sound harsh, but gosh darn it! I don't think you're being very nice! If fact, I'd go as far to say, you're mean!"

"Okay, let's dig a little bit deeper." Y/n advised as she looked back who wasn't too happy on how the situation is turning out. "Right!" David said, " I know that's probably hard to hear!And may have even been a little too far! But by golly, it seems to me that you haven't been to nice to anyone!"

"God damn it.." Y/n and Max said in a union, looking back up at David who was still going on. " I just don't think you're aware on the impact your behavior is having on the other campers! But.. you know.. if you are aware of that, then that is some good self-awareness!"

"David, just stop you're just complimenting him now." Y/n muttered as she face palmed herself. "So, the 'tough love' approach ,huh?" Nurf responded, looking over his shoulder still fishing. "You know my uncle believed in tough love. Turns out child protective serviced didn't,though."

"Excuse me?" David asked, taken back of Nurf's words along with everyone else. The abusive teenager continued. "Assuming I've always been bad is pretty narrow-minded of you,David. Did it ever occurred to you that maybe I'm just a product of a judgmental,overprotective society? I mean you chew one pop tart into the shape of a gun... and BAM! in school suspension! Suddenly you're labeled as a problem child! 'You're not like the other kids, you're bad'...So then you get sent to a place where other kids perpetuate the same negative mentality, making you worse, so that by the time you return to your normal school life, you actually are bad. thus continuing the endless cycle of crime and punishment. Until all if left is a little boy. A little boy who only believes in what the world tells him he is. A loser. A lost cause. A bully." Nurf finished as he turn his head to avert his gaze away from the trio. The trio looked at one another with furrowed eyebrows and cringe like face, not knowing what to say. Y/n and Max watched David walk over to Nurf's side and apologized for misunderstanding him. For what the two teens thought was going to be a touching moment lead Nurf to stab David's only good hand and calling him a "dick-turd", pushing him in the lake.

Y/n and Max looked at one another as Gwen was bandaging up the only good hand that David had left. "Man he is.. way more fucked up than I thought!" Max said. "Agreed.." Y/n added before glancing over a sympathetic look at a wailing David. "You three are idiots." Gwen stated as she shook her head. "Being tough isn't the same as being an asshole. You guys got to take this from a more psychological approach."

"How do you know?" Y/n asked cocking a brow as she crossed her arms. Gwen pulled off a smirk as she explained that she does a major in psychology. "So you have two useless degrees?", Y/n added. Gwen looked away, defeated and replied with a long and trailing off,"Yeah.."


"Nurf,I think it's time we have a little talk." David said as he motions the teenager towards a couch. Nurf walked towards the group (Max,Gwen, David, and Y/n) and eyed them all with an attitude. "Oh, so we're doing the whole Freudian thing now? Everyone wants to fuck their own mom. Get over it!" He said. Y/n overheard a small whimper from David's lips and leaned over to him reminding to stay strong. David nodded as he took a deep breathe and began to speak, "Nurf, we feel as though you have a relatively strong grasp on the events that have led to your negative behavior, and we wanted to walk through them with you together, in the hopes of finding a solution. This isn't going t be easy, but we think- PUT THE KNIFE DOWN!" Y/n sighed as she walked towards Nurf and placed her hand on his shoulder as she finished off David's sentence, "But we think that this is the only way we're going to get to the roots of your issues. So,Nurf, what do you say?"

Nurf gently removed Y/n's hand off of his shoulder and let out a deep sigh before turning away and sitting on the couch. Nurf looked down to his feet as he began to tell his life story. Hours went by and his life was almost entertaining among the two teens as for the counselors jotted down notes here and there trying to make sense of everything. When the session was finally done Nurf came to realize that his behavioral issue came from the vast variety of issues he had to deal with in the past. And what's really important that he shouldn't let society's labels define who he is or anyone for that matter . Y/n looked up at Max to catch his glimpse, admiring his mountain meadow colors eyes she gave him a warm smile, shocked that he returned the gesture. Lost into each others eyes and moment they almost didn't hear the commotion beside them between David and Nurf.

"Stab my dad!" Nurf yelled.

"No! What?! Why?!" David yelled back,holding up his hands in defense. Y/n and Max both cocked a brow as they turned their heads to see what was going on. "Eat my farts,butt-nut!" Nurf screamed at David before throwing his knife at him. David luckily dodge the knife. Letting out a yelp as Nurf began to go on a angry rampage,terrorizing the other campers that were around. "Jesus! What do we do?!" Y/n said frantically. "And where does he keep getting knives?!" Max added. David got up from his seat with a stern face and stated that he was going to take care of Nurf his way. " I'll go get the bandages." Gwen sighed,completely having no faith in David. Y/n and Max watched her walk away before turning back to David who was running towards Nurf.

On the verge of tears David continued to run towards Nurf with his arms opened wide,ready to engulf the troubled teenager in a hug. "Come here little guy!" He shouted with a closed eye frown. Not seeing the soccer ball in front of him, he tripped and accidentally smacking Nurf across his face. Everyone gasped at the scene that just unfolded. With a hand mark on his pale cheek,Nurf dropped the knife in his hands and furrowed his eyebrows as he held up a hand to the mark. David quickly got up from the ground and started to apologize hectically.

"Woah.. that really.. hurt...Jeez I can't believe I've been subjecting people to physical violence like this. I feel kind of bad for my behavior. I think I'm going to go sit down in my tent and .. think about what I did today... sorry everybody." Nurf said softly,turning away and leaving the counselors and other campers. "Huh, I guess .. you did it, David... good job." Gwen said. "This is not okay!" David shot back. Everyone began to leave, leaving Y/n, Max, and David all alone. "Well I guess it turns out by the end of the day..Sometimes you gotta hit kids!" Max said. " I guess.. you're right. Come on,Max. We should go." Y/n suggested as the two teens began to walk away from the traumatized counselor.


Pages: 5


Finally done lol, 5 pages are so much !!!! But I hope you enjoyed this update and remember to spread a positive vibe! Bye!

-YummKimchii <3

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