Chapter 8

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* I do not own artwork, credit goes to the original owner*


" He said whatever happened yesterday at the docks was nothing more than a 'moment' we shared." Y/n said,hugging herself. Feeling a pat on her shoulder,Y/n turned her attention on Nikki's who showed a comforting smile.

"Y/n, I don't think he means it. " Nikki said.

"Well I don't care if he means it! I just don't understand why it affects me so much, it made me cry! And I hate that he makes me feel this way..."

"Y/n, I think you might actually have a crush on Max! I mean it all makes sense! The way 'he makes you feel', why you care so much, and not to mention the way how you look at him.~" Nikki cooing the last part.

"Well so what if I like him just a little? We both know that he won't feel the same way even if we tried to change his mind! Last night was obviously a sign showing that he's not interested in me!"

"Oh I doubt that,Y/n. Being on of Max's closet friends, he's different when he's around you. I mean sure he's different around us but he treats you just like the same as Neil and I!"

" I get it Nikki, I'm just a friend to him." Y/n groaned as she threw her head back.

"No not like that! Y/n, it's hard to explain but even though he treats almost the same as Neil and I it's still different. Like he actually means something when he's around you, you bring something to the table that brightens something in Max (just a little) and unlike Neil and I.. it actually means a lot to Max. I mean you have to admit, he's been acting differently lately especially around. You might not notice but I can just tell by the way he looks at you or sees you."

"And what if he's just doing it out of guilt from last night?"

" I highly doubt that, it's Max were talking about." Nikki said ,giggling he last comment. "But I'm sure that he has feelings for you. He's not really the type to open up or express his feelings very well." She added before getting up from her spot off of the docks. She waved before she started to leave Y/n by herself,who was looking out to the lake admiring the view. Y/n looked down to the water and saw her reflection rippling in the small waves.

" I hope you're right,Nikki." She whispered to herself.

Y/n placed her lunch trey on the wooden table and sat between Neil and Nikki. Y/n suddenly felt a light nudge on her arm, turning to Nikki she notice that she was averting her eyes towards the entrance of the cabin. Cocking an eyebrow, Y/n tilted her head to only spot a certain boy in a blue hoodie. Looking back at Nikki with slightly wide eyes she gulped nervously and told Nikki and Neil that she'll be moving to a different table.

Picking up her trey of food she stood nearly in the middle of the cabin scanning for a new seat. Right before she was about to give up hope, her name was called from a table in the corner. Sighing in relief she walked over to the table. A camper that she have seen before but never had to nerve to associate with him. Sitting down next a lanky kid, she noticed from his sun colored eyes, brown hair, and his fifteenth century get-up that he was the theater kid that would perform small skits for the other campers.

"Thanks for letting me sit here." Y/n said softly as she swirled her oatmeal with her spoon.

"No problem!,I don't mind making a new friend. The name is,Preston."

"O-oh, It's nice to meet you,Preston! My name is,Y/n."

" Oh, I know! I've seen you around and you seem like a person who would be interested in the 'Wonder of Theater' !"

" I doubt I'm any good, but do you plan on performing again?"

"Why,yes I am! the next show is called... 'Romeo and Juliet: Love Resurrected'! And I would love for you to be the main role!"

"As in main role, I hope you mean me playing as a tree or a bush. I'm really good at standing still and remaining silent you know, in the background."

"But you're so much more than that! Juliet is so genuine and beautiful, not to mention the passion for love for her one and only companion,Romeo."

"Y-You... think I'm genuine and beautiful?" Y/n asked, slightly becoming flustered. Preston smiled as he placed one hand on his heart and one underneath Y/n's chin,lifting it up and leaning in.

"Yes, yes I do."

" I-I.. umm..."

"I know this is out of of the blue but I actually have the script here with me. Maybe you can read it over and Juliet's part and you can let me know tomorrow and only then. I need to know then because we will be performing next week! But I have to go and prepare for this occasion, farewell m'lady!" Preston exclaimed as he bowed before grabbing his trey and leaving Y/n at the lunch table by herself. Recollecting her thoughts, Y/n smirks before picking up the script. Scanning over the cover of the script and the flipping through the first few pages, Y/n gave a slight 'hmph' almost as if she was considering taking the role of Juliet.

Should she?

Word Count:943

I hope you like this chapter and please leave a comment , you know I enjoy reading them very much!

-YummKimchii <3

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