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"I'm not who I was one year ago
and maybe,
just this once,
change is good."
-E. Grin


As summer was inching closer to an end, sadly, Camp Melody's time has.
Y/n waited patiently with her bags in her hands for the black Honda Civic to roll through the grey gravel. Despite the nervousness that she was feeling from her clammy hands, she had small determination to try to talk to her Mother and not shying away from the elephant in the room. 

Y/n watched the black Honda Civic roll into camp grounds. As she began to walk up to the car, these were one of the few times in her life that she has seen her Mother without her glasses. And for some reason whenever she would see her dark brown eyes look at her, the more sincere everything about M/n would be. And when it came to talking and expressing M/n's opinions, made Y/n more of a nervous wreck.

Y/n buckled herself into the passenger seat and waved herself off to the other campers that were outside,waiting for their rides. M/n pulled out of the camp grounds and rolled back onto the road. She cleared her throat and turned down the music to speak,"Before I forget, I want you to know that I've made an appointment to go see a therapist sometime this month. From what I have researched, she's pretty good considering how much she charges for an hour."

Y/n nodded, "Okay."

M/n eased into a stop at the red light, "Really? That's all you have to say? You usually always disagree." 

"But this is something that I've been wanting to do. I was just waiting for you to realize it."

The light turned green and the car began to move again. M/n turned left and right down a  few more blocks until she was able park her garage. Before she could get out the car, she added one more thing,"One more thing before we get inside and get settled in..."


"I just wanted to say that what happened last time I've seen you should have never had happened. It's embarrassing for a lady to lose her composure, especially if that lady is me."

Y/n smiled and gently placed her hand on top of hers. "I forgive you. And I'm so glad that we are doing therapy together. I don't care how long it takes for us to be where we need to be, I'm willing to wait for that."

And it was moments like these that M/n would experience these vague memories often when she was spending time with her daughter. The way how Y/n will act and talk. Reminds her all the good parts of F/n,when they used to be together.

M/n bleakly smiled as she removed her hand from Y/n's and getting out of the car. Y/n hurriedly tried grab her bags and follow behind her, before the door was closed. 

Y/n walked down the hallway and entered her room. When she sat her bags beside her desk, she gasped as she stumbled back to the wall. Her heart felt it was clenched and her eyes felt like it was going to drown her room in tears. For what she saw in her room and on her bed, was a pastel purple Fender Stratocaster (electric) guitar.

"T-This can't be real! I'm dreaming!" Y/n cried as she sunk to the floor.
And right on cue, M/n walked in and perched herself on the frame of the door. She rubbed the back of the neck and sighed. "Look, I wasn't trying to contribute to all of this," M/n deadpanned, referring to Y/n's sobbing body, "But over the course of the past four weeks I've decided to try with us. And that starts with considering your wants and needs..."

Y/n got up and wiped her eyes and walked over to her bed. She smoothed out her fingers on the fresh pastel finish and onto the brass strings. Goosebumps filled her arms and shot up each and individual hair on her body. 

"I can't accept this. I don't deserve this..." Y/n sniffled.

"Take the damn gift! Stop being so... so... selfless! This isn't some gift that I got out of guilt..."

"Mom.." Y/n chuckled as she gave her a knowing look.

M/n rolled her eyes. "Okay maybe a little bit of guilt... plus I passed by the store one day and saw that this loud instrument was on sale... and they have a 'No Return' policy. So you have no choice but to accept it."
"Thank you."

M/n shrugged, "It's no big deal. Just a Mother trying to do what she thinks is best for her child... but like, can we cut the sappy shit now?"

"Just one more thing..." Y/n winced as she inched herself closer to M/n, "I love you..."

When those words left Y/n's mouth, M/n felt a glow in her heart. But she contained it like she always did with her other feelings. It pleased her to hear those words after how remorseful she has been with everything. Flustered, she cleared her throat and said, "And I... care for you as well... deeply, of course." And with that she left the room.

When the door closed, Y/n's heart exploded. She squealed as she twirled around her bedroom to only collapse on her bed beside her brand new guitar. She stared her ceiling in enjoyable disbelief, for she couldn't belief how good things are turning out for her.

And then she remembered Max; "And maybe, at a different time and place, we can give this another go..." ​​​​​​​And how, if things are turning out this good, then maybe her future relationship would too.

And what she didn't know how close that happy ending might be...



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