Chapter 23

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"In my experience, it is hard to be successful as a women. Now,if you want to make it to this music program right after your last year of highschool you need to listen to me. Do you really think you're going to have a chance by playing guitar?! That is not a chance, that is a risk! A risk that a mother will not take who wants the best for daughter!" M/n exclaimed.

"But Mom, what if I don't like violin? Don't you think it would be better if I play something that expresses who I am?"

"Y/n, you are merely a child! You don't know what you want. You will understand when you get older and have your own child, it is until then when you're successful and married to a handsome husband when you will thank me."

"You're not listening to me, I don't think I'm cut out for this. I don't think me doing this program is something I want to do, I don't think this is my calling."

"Are you trying to argue with your mother? I thought I taught you better manners than that."

"It's not that. I'm just curious on what other paths are out there for me besides just a music program."

"Y/n, what is it I always say?"

" 'Curiosity killed the cat.' " Y/n quoted, sighing.

"Keep that in mind."

"But it has always been satisfaction that brought it back." Y/n mumbled to herself as one of her many flashbacks have ended. It almost feels like knowing that summer is almost over, more flashbacks always came at the moments where Y/n just wanted to relax and not worry about what she has to deal with when she goes back home. Even though majority of it was her because of her mother, she always to denied it. No matter how much Y/n feels neglected physically and emotionally most of the time, she always told herself if her mother was happy then that is all that matters to her.

Y/n sat up on her cot and slung her legs off and exited out of the tent, walking down the small trail that led to the campsite. It was there, where no trees above her and not blocking her view of the starry night sky, a small campfire was burning as all the campers and counselors and even Quarter Master began to sit on the huge logs surrounding the it.

Y/n decided to sit between Nikki and David. Y/n looked up and smiled at the optimistic male, who gladly returned the gesture before looking back the fire and closed his eyes,enjoying the warmth. Y/n brought one of her legs up to her chest and rested her chin on her knee,humming to herself. It was then when a idea popped through her head,she gasped.

"What is it,Y/n?" David asked.

"How about a song?" Y/n suggested. David' eyes sparkled like the stars in the sky, grin spreading ear to ear. He then pulled his trusty guitar out from behind the log and placed it on his knee.

"I think I know the perfect one!" He piped.

"God damn it,Y/n. Now's he going to sing that dumb ass song he made up." Max groaned.

"Oh,stop,Max! It's not that bad. I like it." Y/n smiled.

"Look, if this was chapter fifteen then this would be different. But it's not and I'm not a huge fan of it."

"You just broke the fourth wall."

"Well you saying and knowing that I broke the fourth wall, is pretty much you breaking it as well." He smirked.

"Anyways!" David interfered, "I wasn't planning on singing that song. But I don't mind requests if anyone has a good campfire song."

"Oh! Oh! Me!" Nikki grinned.

"Yes?" David asked.

" This one is called the Camp Fire Song song." Nikki stood up on the log she was sitting on and placed her hand on her hips,grinning genuinely among the other campers and staff. David strummed his guitar and looked up at the turquoise haired girl,laughing under his breath. "Let's gather around the campfire and sing our campfire song! Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G song, and if you don't think we can sing even faster than you wrong. But it will help if we all sing along... Bom! Bom! Bom!"

"Oh! I fucking got this!" Y/n shouted as she stood up on her log,beside Nikki. Y/n bit her bottom lips and waited until the notes she was listening for came, "C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G song!"

"C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G song!" Neil laughed.

"And if you don't think we can sing even faster than your wrong. But it will help if you just sing along." David joined.

"C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G SONG! GWEN!" Nikki shouted. Gwen nearly choked on her toasted marshmallow before saying,


"Ugh! Fine! c-a-m-p-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g song...David?"

He strummed even faster. "C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G SONG! QUARTER MASTER!"

"No." He grumbled.

"Good!" Nikki praised.

"It will help!" Y/n sang.

"It will help! If you just sing along!"Nikki finished off the last note with jazz hands earning fits of giggles from everyone. She then sat down,slightly out of breath.

"Nikki, words cannot express how much I love you right now." Y/n laughed.

"It wasn't a bad song." Neil smiled,handing Y/n a toasted marshmallow on a stick.

"Of course it wasn't! Considering that Max actually sang along with us." Nikki teased.

"I don't sing. I just spoke the lyric." He scoffed.

"Well it's rare of you, Max." Y/n leaned in closer to the sunshade teen and smiled.

"What are ya' smiling at?" He asked,back his head up a bit from the close contact.

Say it! Say it! Say it!

"Nothing." Y/n simply stated, biting a chunk out of her marshmallow.

God damn it!



I hope you like this chapter, I wanted to do a campfire chapter and what good is a camp if they don't have campfire songs? Exactly! lol Anyways stay tune for the next update! :)

-YummKimchii <3

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