Chapter 13

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The wind chimes played peacefully throughout of the air. Each camper one by one was being waken up by the counselors or by other campers. Nikki yawned as she walked out of her tent to greet the sun with a groggy smile. "Good morning,Nikki!" David said as he held a cardboard box in his hands. "Do you mind waking up the other two, I would do it myself but I'm kind of busy right now."  Nikki nodded as she understood that David was referring to Max and Y/n, making her way to the tent she went through the flaps and shuffled herself over to Max's sleeping figure. She shook him gently over and over again until she earned a annoyed groan from the sunshade boy. "Max, get up." Nikki finally said, another groaned came from the sunshade boy once more as he covers his head with his blanket. Nikki rolled her eyes as she still continued to try to wake up Max. "Look, Max, I know you don't want to be awake either but the counselors are waking up everyone so can you please make this easy on me?" 

Max let out a loud sigh, finally sitting up in his cot. He rubbed his eyes and covered his mouth as he yawned. "I'm going to wake up,Y/n. Hurry up and get ready will ya'?" Nikki made her way over to Y/n side of the cot. Before she could lay a finger onto her body, she was stopped by Max who grabbed her hand. Nikki's orbs met Max's as she cocked a amused brow. "I'll... do it.." He insisted. Nikki quietly chuckled at the teenager's action and thought his tactics were cute. Both knowing and not wanting to admit it out loud towards each other, Max has became more attach to Y/n without her realizing it. "Did something happen between you two? You know, last night?" Nikki asked as Max removed his hand from her wrist. Max lowered his gaze at Y/n snuggled up against her pillow, kind of drooling a bit. Max took a deep sigh before looking back up at Nikki. " I just feel like I always screw things up with her. Like I mean, I try to do or say one thing but I end up making seem like I hate her like some.. some-"

"Like some asshole?" Nikki said, finishing his sentence and crossing her arms but Max nodded. " So do you like her? Like actually caught feelings for her?" She added. Max averted eye contact, his body stiff , cheeks burning on what he just heard. Max scoffed as he let out a nervous chuckle, scratching his temple in the process. "U..Uhh, obviously not! Just as her friend I think that I should tolerate her feelings,that's all."

"Stop denying it,Max.We both know you won't admit it but you care for that awesome ass girl!" She loudly whispered. "Neil and I have seen how you act around her, the flirty gestures,  your small caring side, not to mention your jealous side."

" I don't not get jealous,Nikki! That stupid ass play meant nothing even if Y/n did kiss Neil I wouldn't have cared anyways!" He shot back. Nikki harshly shushed Max who was being a little too loud. Nikki grabbed Max's wrist and lead him outside of the tent. " Max, why can't you admit that you like the poor girl. You're always confusing her with your mix emotions, you like her for one night and when morning comes you're just a total ass!" 

"Why should it even matter to her,huh? We both  know she doesn't like me! " 

"Well you know what Max?, maybe if you can actually admit to yourself and stop playing with this girl's emotions maybe she can actually decided to like you. You never know, maybe that's what it takes for you to understand how blind you really are." 

"Me? Blind? What are you talking about?" Max asked. Nikki sighed as she pitched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head. "Max, just think over everything I just told you. And maybe in time you can realize what I'm saying and how it may help through whatever stubborn situation you got yourself in." And with that Nikki left and went back into her tent that she shared with Neil. Max watched his long time friend leave, leaving him all alone. 'She's right.. Why can't I admit it to myself, god damn it!' He thought to himself, kicking the dirt. He groaned as he ruffled up his hair. He took a deep breath before regaining  his composure and entering back into the tent. He looked over at Y/n who was still sleeping soundly. He softly smiled as he walked towards her, kneeling down beside her. He placed his hand in her head as he stroked back her loose hairs. He watched Y/n  smile and nuzzle her cheek onto her pillow, letting out a happy sigh. 'Cute..' Max thought to himself,still stroking her head. His began to scan every perfection on her face, fascinated on how.. beautiful she was even when she was asleep. The last thing he scanned on her face was her lips, just the sight of them made him nervous. He was so close to them, he could kiss her lips if he wanted too.. a peck wouldn't hurt,right? Max removed his hand from her head and gently cupped her right cheek as he began to slowly move in. As his lips were getting closer and closer, barely touching from each other.. he stopped himself, he didn't know why but he didn't want to move. He wanted this moment to last forever if it could. " I.. Like.. You." Y/n breathed softly. Y/n was obviously still sleeping and Max knew she still was, but he something inside him made feel warm and tingly inside. Whats the word?, giddy? His face flushed with pink  from what he just heard, could she be dreaming about him? Was she even talking about him? Before could even move in to to fulfill the kiss he felt a soft index finger applied onto his lips. Goosebumps shot through his body. He saw that Y/n was awake from her slumber. "Max, what the hell are you doing so close to me?" She asked, annoyed at the fact how close he was. Max caught his breathe as he fell back on his bottom, he held up his hands in defense and when he wanted to talk he was cut off by Y/n. "You weren't trying to kiss me were you? Because that wouldn't give you a good reputation there,Maxie."

"O..Of course not! I thought I saw something on your face so I just wanted to get a closer look that's all!" He explained, laughing nervously. Y/n cocked a brow as she got out of bed, throwing on her hoodie and tying up her hair in a high pony tail. She looked at Max one last time before she scoffed, walking towards the exit of the tent. When she grabbed onto one of the flaps another hand was wrapped around her wrist, restricting her to make any further moved. "Let. Go." Y/n ordered,trying to rip her hand away from his grasp. 

"Not until you tell me why your acting like this. You've been different every since last night and I want to know if it had something to do with me.. If you want me to fix whatever I'm doing that is offending you then don't shut me out."

Y/n didn't know what to say or think at the moment,should she really tell Max? Is he even ready to know how she truly thinks or feels about him? Her eyebrows furrowed as she averted eye contact. " You're just so fucking confusing.. Everything you do I don't even know if you mean them.. I just.. Ugh! Just forget about it,okay?"

Max sighed as he let go of her hand,watching her  leave the tent. He walked over to his side of the tent he began to get ready. "Fuck.." he breathed
Pages: 3.8

Well wasn't that something? lol Sorry guys if I'm teasing you too much for the kiss, how many times have I done that already? Two? Four? Oh, well.. don't fret my lovely readers the kiss is coming soon *wink* but besides from that I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tune for the next one! Have a good and and spread a good vibe my doodesss!!! 


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