Chapter 18

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Throughout the entire presentation of David explaining what is, and is not a baseball.. Y/n couldn't help but shift a few glances at the blonde stranger, that looks oddly similar to David. Something about him didn't settle to well and especially the color of his aquamarine eyes. They were almost same ones that gave her the uneasy impression from her dream. She continued to stare until stranger caught her glare. They locked eyes, feeling like hours. Y/n whimpered,catching Max's attention who was beside her. He eyed the stranger for a brief moment before he raised his hand in the air. "Yes!,Max! What's you're question?" David asked.
"Who the fuck is that?" Max abruptly shouted as he pointed to the blonde male. The eye contact from the stranger  and Y/n broke right when the question was called out. 
"Why, what an excellent question! Campbell campers, Id like you all to give a warm welcome to our newest co-counselor,Daniel!"
"Howdy kiddos!" greeted Daniel.
"You've got to be shitting me,David..." Y/n said,minding her tone.
"Whoa, watch the language there little lady!" Daniel scolded as he wagged his finger at her.
"Watch the language indeed!" David chimed in. "Just because Daniel here is new, doesn't mean you should treat him any different than you treat me."
"Got it!" Nikki exclaimed. Reaching into her pocket she took out a pile of mud and threw right at Daniel's chest. There was a moment of silence as everyone watch the slop of mud sliding down off his shirt and smacking right into the floor. 
"He is you,David! Save for the outfit. Seriously freakshow. What's up with the cult leader getup?" Max scoffed. Daniel plastered a smile on his face as he wiped off the mud off his shirt. Turning to Max and tilting his head to the side he said, "You must be Max. I've heard all about you."
Max back away from Daniel with slight confusion and being creeped out."O..okay?" he said. David reached over to Daniel and placed a hand on his shoulder,giving him a apologetic expression.
"Daniel, I am so sorry about this terrible behavior."
"Oh don't worry,co-counselor. They're just 'ragging on the new guy'. I thought this might happen, and so for my first day as camp counselor,  I've prepared serval exercises that are going to cleanse all of us of our negative emotions!" Daniel explained.
"Well,that sounds wonderful! You teens are definitely in good hands."
In the hands of a possible murder.. God how gullible is David?,Y/n thought.
"I'll go finish up your employment paperwork." 
One word, 'lightbulb'! Y/n quickly rushed over to David's side as he began to walk towards the doors of the mess hall. "I'll come with you! I always wondered what it employment paperwork looked like. And it might be very interesting to go over!" batting her eyelashes adoringly.
"Oh, sorry Y/n. Maybe some other time. It wouldn't be fair for the other campers if one person gets to not participate  in the activities that our dear,Daniel has planned for today. Now, why don't you go join the others. Don't have too much fun with out me... Just kidding have all the fun you want!" and with that David left, shutting the doors behind him. Y/n hung open her mouth just a little but quickly closed it as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked down and caught a glimpse of a set of pale fingers. She looked up and nervously chuckled,removing Daniel's grasp off of her. "Hey there pal, how's it goin'?"
Daniel smiled as he looked behind him before he looked right back at Y/n. Daniel squatted down and looked right into Y/n eyes,chuckling.
That chuckle... Is this what they call déjà vu?,Y/n thought.  "You are very observant there,Y/n. Compassion and curiosity runs through you. I can see it. You and Max are quite the compatible pair. Looks like I have to keep my eyes out for you." Daniel then stood up and ushered Y/n back to the rest of campers.  "So children! Is there anyone here that has an interest" Daniel asked. All the campers darted they're eyes towards Space Kid, who was jumping up and down-excitement beaming through his eyes. "OH!OH! Oh, me!ME!" chirped Space Kid.
"Oh,really? Well, that's wonderful!"
"Yeah.. I know all sorts of stuff about space." He bragged.
"Well did you know that all negative emotions actually come from space?" Daniel informed the eager teen.
"Uh.. Well I... No... I didn't."
"It's true!  Our atmosphere is under constant bombardment from negative emotions tied to dark toxins! These toxins cling to the matter left over from the Big Bang,meaning that even if we're all pure of heart at birth,we're bathing in a negative-rich environment every second!"
"Okay, I'm going to stop you right there." Neil interrupted. "Are you suggesting that the explosion responsible for the creation of the universe is also responsible for some sort of endless radioactive evil?"
Neil earned a light nudge on his forearm. Looking over at the (hair color) haired girl, he notice she was giving him the ' you-better-stop' look. Daniel then pushed Y/n away from the lanky ivory teen and responded, "Oh,no. not at all! The Big Bang didn't create the universe! It was just a side effect of the Millenia Wars,started by Xemug and the Galactic Confederacy!"
"Right." Neil said as he eyed Daniel, obviously not buying what he was saying.
"You must be Neil. David told me about you were quite the.. inquisitive little fellow."
"H..Hey buddy. Let's try to recognize some..personal space here." Neil cringed,pushing Daniel slightly back from his face. Y/n bit her bottom lip as she clenched her hand on the back of his sweater. By doing this, Neil could feel the uneasiness that she was feeling and she wasn't the only one who was experiencing it. "I guess you're as compatible with Miss Y/n here. But if I may ask, why do you feel the need to question everything,Neil? What good has that led to?"
"Well for one, I'm not walking around talking about 'Xemug'."
"But, are you happy with your life? Are you at peace? Or do you find yourself filled with anxiety and doubt? Doesn't the world see, awfully scary?"
"It does!" Nurf gasped.
"God damn it,Nurf! Dont listen to a word he's saying! He's fucking crazy!" Y/n scowled, waving her arms in the air. Daniel rolled his eyes as he continued.
"Well,what if I told you it didn't have to be?"
Nurf took one look at Y/n before he turned his green gaze back on Daniel.
"I don't now what you're selling here,Daniel.. But I am buying it!"
"Then help me,help you. Help others!"
"Yeah! I'm helping!
"Excellent! Now who else wants to help and reach ascensions?"
"Oh my fuck, he's actually a cultist!" Y/n gasped. She turned around and saw the trio standing by the doors. They obviously noticed it too. They were all staring at one and other. It wasn't until Daniel started to give everyone a "de-toxification diet" and ranting in Latin from a book with a pentagram, when Y/n mouthed,"Go tell,David". The trio nodded and quickly left the mess hall.

It wasn't soon enough until majority of the campers were being put in steam machine also known as the "Purification Sauna". As each camper came out, their pupils were expanded and clothes that they were wearing was white. "Okay, this is definitly Deja vu.." Y/n said to herself. She then felt a firm grip around her wrist. Looking up, she saw Daniel once again by her side. Towering over her with his presence and creepy smile. "It's your turn now,Y/n." He said, trying to usher the teenager to sauna but she wasn't budging. 
"What to the absolute fuck do you want,Daniel? By the looks of it, it seems that you're going to kill this entire camp by that poisoned kool-aid, over there. So what's the use of any of this? You brain washed majority of this camp,isn't that enough?"
"I wasn't lying as I said you were observant and curious little one. I can see why you surround yourself with people that share the same wits as you. But I'm not just killing the campers. I'm sacrificing them, and you of course! You being sacrificed is a wonderful honor to uphold."
"Then why don't you sacrifice yourself?" Y/n shot back as she ripped away from his grasp. "It's pretty simple. You did enough already to prove how committed you are for this cult and your belief. Obviously qualified to sacrifice yourself for this so-called 'honor'"."
Daniel then grabbed the collar of Y/n's shirt and began to drag her towards the sauna. Y/n kicked her legs and tried her best to claw the living shit out of the crazy cultist but nothing seemed to work. Out of the corner of her eye she notice her getting closer nd closer to the sauna. Her heartbeat was beating tremendously.
Say something,Y/n!
"Wait! Let's make a deal! Please! I know you had an interest in me since you walked through those doors so.. let's just make a simple deal that I know you can't refuse." 
A sudden release of fabric was lifted, she inhale a waved air as she fell to her knees. "So, what's the deal?" Daniel asked.
"I've notice how you're skill worthy.. You managed to do 'this' to the camp. You say I'm observant... I'm not going to argue with you on that. The one thing I've notice was a violin that you had in that white case of yours. So... why not have a friendly match? If I win,I want you to fucking leave this hellhole."
"If you lose?"
"I'll... let you throw me into that sauna and sacrifice me and only me. None of these campers deserve to die. So just me.. only me.." Y/n then extended her right hand towards the blonde male. Daniel looked at her hand with a blank face. Soon his lips curved into a smirk as he shook her hand.
"Deal, where do you keep this violin of yours?" 
"Under my cot, in my duffel bag." she briefly explained. Daniel nodded his head as he snapped his fingers. Soon Ered obediently walked towards them. Y/n gulped. 
"Ered,would you please go and retrieve Y/n's bag?"
Ered nods and leaves. It wasn't even a few minutes until Ered came back with a black Nike duffel bag in her hands. 

She placed the bag next to Y/n with ease, and left with another snap of Daniel's fingers. Y/n unzipped the bag and pulled out her case, unclipping the clips she then pulled out her violin and stick. As she got up,placing the instrument on her shoulder-Daniel whipped out his violin and place it on his shoulder as well. Both placing their sticks among the strings, Y/n took a breath and said, "Let's begin,shall we?"


Pages: 5.3

Guys just know that I have never played violin before or even touched one before. But I am person who loves classical music and the violin is one of my favorites. But please dont tell me how wrong or flaws on how I write about the violins, because I know. I only write from experience from when I have seen on how they are played but besides from that I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tune for the next one!


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