Chapter 12

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After the incident with Nurf, the sun was setting and Max and Y/n was on they're way back to their tent to relax before having to retire for the night. Y/n laid gracefully on her cot as she read a book that she brought before she left for Camp Campbell. Hearing a a faint sound of light snoring from Max, Y/n smiled a bit as she shut her book and turned her head to see the sunshaded teenager snuggling against a worn out teddy bear. Sliding off of her cot she decided to bend over to retrieve her duffel bag full of clothes and other items she had stored. Unzipping the bag she pulled out a maroon hoodie and pair of black comfy leggings. 'Might as well get comfortable when I have the chance.' Y/n thought as she slipped off her pants and quickly sliding on the leggings.

Max's eyes fluttered opened, his vision a little bit blurry. When it adjusted onto a moving figure in front of him,who was not that far. His face immediately became flustered. Y/n was in mid-way putting on her hoodie, only revealing her bare back and a slight glimpse of her clip on the back of her bra. When it was finally covered Y/n looked over her shoulder to see Max staring. "W..What were you doing?" Max asked ,hoping that Y/n didn't notice that he was staring. "Oh, I just changed! I'm about to go on a stroll for a bit before we have to go to bed.". Max sat up as he hid Mr.Honeynuts under his blankets in the process. "Mind if I tag along?" He asked as he slid off of his cot,walking towards the flaps of tent. "Of course not." She said.

Y/n lead the way as Max followed behind. Walking among the trail,passing by the other camper's tents, they failed to notice a turquoise haired girl peeking her head out along with Neil. "What are you doing,Nikki?".

"You didn't see?" She whispered back,pointing directly to the two teens that were walking. "Two teens alone in the forest. At night, going a stroll! What does that not tell you? This means that Y/n might have a chance to confess.." "Or Max,for that matter." Neil added. Nikki smirked as she took Neil's pale ivory skin tone hand and yanked him from out the tent and dragging him along,following Y/n and Max.

"Nikki, we're going to get caught. Either by the counselors or by Y/n and Max." Neil warned as he chewed on his nails nervously. "Not if we stay quiet and stay low-key,we won't. Now shush and follow me." Nikki responded. Neil let out a soft whimper as he crouched down next to Nikki and crawled behind a bush along with her. She held up her hand motioning Neil to stop at his tracks. "Look.." She whispered,pointing towards the two teens.

"So..." Max began. "You have a crush on anybody?"

Y/n raised both of her eyebrows in shock motion at the question that was asked. What should she say? Should she tell him who it really is? Or should she lie? 'Will I ever get another like this one to tell him how I feel?' Y/n thought to herself. "I don't exactly particular like anyone here, in that sense. And even if I did I wouldn't tell you." She giggled. "What about you?" She added,looking up meeting his gaze. Max chuckled as he replied,"I wouldn't tell you either." Y/n huffed not realizing that her cheeks were puffing out. "You know, you're really cute when you're irritated." He said smoothly as he continued to walk. Y/n stood there in a mini daze before being snapped back into reality,running up to Max trying to catch up.

As the two teens were walking back to the camp site, Max notice the nice view of the lake. Glancing over to Y/n who held a bored face. He smiled as he took her hand and lead her to the docks. "What are you do-" Y/n stopped midway of her sentence as she caught an eye of the view of the lake. The stars were out and twinkled among the navy blue sky, the lake rippled out waves as the moonlight dance across the water. "Beautiful, isn't it." Max commented as he walked up beside her. Y/n let out a sigh and rested a smile on her lips. "I've seen better but yes, yes it." Y/n turned her head to a faint sound of music playing from a little cabin where she assumed where the two counselors stayed. Y/n held out her hand to Max and looked up to meet his glance. "May I have this dance?" She asked,chuckling on how cheesy it sounded. Max rolled his eyes as he placed his hands on top of hers, pulling her close. Y/n's face heat up at the sudden contact but eased her way along. She placed her hand on top of his shoulder as he placed his hand on her waist. "You're not so bad." Max said between movements,swaying Y/n. "You're not so bad yourself." Y/n smirk as she twirled herself in his grasp.

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