Chapter 20 part two? short lol

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In her navy blue romper and brown boots, she walked herself to the mess hall as she tied her hair up in a ponytail before opening the doors. The rays of sunlight peaked through the cabin as she entered, highlighted her features as she did so. Y/n went up to the opened window and greeted the Quarter Master as she retrieved her trey of oatmeal and side of fruit.

She turned around and saw the trio sitting at the first table on the right. She stared for a brief moment until she notice Max averting his eyes from the conversation between the outgoing turquoise haired girl and brown haired boy and meeting hers. Y/n awkwardly smiled at him as the memories of last night played through her head. A small blush flushed throughout her face and her grip on the side of her trey tightened a bit. Y/n then cleared her throat before looking down and walking past the trio and sitting at the table next to Preston.

Max turned his attention back to Nikki and Neil and rested the chin in his palm,fingers slightly covering his mouth as he looked at the carvings on the wooden table. "What's wrong with you?" Nikki asked as she leaned in closer to his face. Max gave her a annoyed glare to only to receive a toothy grin as she sat back down.

"Last night," He began, " Y/n had a nightmare and I was obviously there to comfort her. And ended up having a moment..."

"And?" Nikki asked.

"Did you guys kiss? Did either of you confess?" Neil asked.

"She kissed my cheek but she said it was a 'kiss of gratitude' and before we both went to bed, it seemed like she wanted to say something else but she just told me it was 'nothing'."

There was a moment of silence within all three of the teenagers at the table. Nikki and Neil looked at each other not knowing what to say and Max continued to stare blankly at the table. Nikki broke her gaze from Neil's and looked over at Max and asked,"Did you want her to say something last night?"

He nodded.

"Hoping for a confession?" Neil joined in.

He nodded.

"So why don't you do it? You know,confess to her instead of waiting." Nikki simply stated.

"It's not that simple,Nikki. It's not that I don't want too,because I really do but I just can't. I always feel like something is holding me back and telling me to just wait again..and again..and again." Max replied,speaking through his fingers.

"Maybe it's not a good idea,then." Neil said.

"How so?"

"I'm just suggesting that maybe you should just wait a little longer before you jump into anything,like confessing. If you don't feel ready quite ready yet to confess how you feel about Y/n then that's what you do,wait. And I'm sure you both will have plenty of moments that will feel like it would be good enough to confess but I'm sure you will know when that moment comes."

"Neil's right and even though it's pretty obvious that we aren't love experts, we both have a strong feeling that Y/n feels the same."Nikki commented.

Max looked up from the table and saw Nikki and Neil both smiling at him in reassurance. He couldn't help but let the corner of his lip tug upwards a bit. He then looked over at Y/n laughing with Preston and some of the other campers that have joined their table. He was so fixated on her bright close eyed smile that he didn't even noticed Nikki and Neil giving each other the "he's-doing-the -face-again" stare.

Y/n actually liking me?...that is a nice thought..


Pages: 1.8

I know it was a very short chapter considering that most of mine are like 3 pages or more. But I just thought maybe that it would have been nice to write a chapter about the aftermath of the little "kiss-on-the-cheek" again!, from Chapter 20. Just on Max's (kind of?) point of view in way.. but I hope you enjoyed this and stay tune for the next update :)

-YummKimchii <3

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