Chapter 30

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"Closure. We all seek it. We seek the end of things and also the beginning of new things. Those things we can't find closure on, they haunt us. They pop up in our dreams, and creep in our thoughts in idle moments, like a mind-bender that's beyond our mental capacity, a mystery that just won't be solved."




"Are you even listening?" M/N sneered. Y/n blinked a few times before sitting up straight in her seat, shifting herself a few time to get comfortable. M/N rolled her eyes and taking another hit from her cigarette before repeating what she said. "I said; What the hell did you call that outside, huh? You've been at this camp for almost two months and yet it seems like you haven't made any progress! I mean, I can tell by the look on your face that you don't want to keep hearing this from me."

I don't., Y/n thought.

"But what do you expect me to do? I can't be sending you to camps just for you to be slacking off. I mean, if you're going to be doing that I would have hired a teacher or something."

"I really did try, mother. It's just hard when you have a lot on your mind." Y/n said, softly.

"What do you mean by that? It seems to me that you're living the life here, at Camp Campbell."

"I had an anxiety attack yesterday.."

M/N removed her glasses and set them down on the table. She laced her fingers with one another and rested her chin on top of them. She narrowed her cryptic eyes down at her daughter as she raised a brow. "What was it about?"

"Well..." Y/n began as she scratched the side of her head. "We were given the assignment to watch an egg for a day and I guess my partner's worries got the best of me. But I can assure you that it was more than-"

"Are you serious?" M/N deadpanned. "It was over an egg?"

"Yes but-"

"Y/n, darling, whatever you're saying just sounds like an excuse echoing itself through my ears. I understand the worries of being given such a responsibility but it's just a small attack."

"Are you kidding me, right now? You know how traumatic those attacks are for me."

"Don't dramatic. Anxiety is just built up worries. Just shake them off. I mean anyone could ease an attack, I've done it before."

Y/n scoffed. "Don't be so modest."

"Why you little-" M/N began but was stopped when a thick hand was gently placed on her shoulder. M/N body stiffened as she slowly looked up to meet Campbell's round eyes. M/N bleakly smiled up at the white-haired man as he returned the gesture. "Ms.L/n! I hope the cuisine is up to your liking! It's our Quarter Master's specialty!" He beamed

Save by the Campbell, Y/n thought. (A/N: Yes, that's right. I made a Camp Camp pun lol)

M/N looked down at her trey of mash potatoes and mentally cringed at the entree. "The food is..delicious." She said, wearily.

Campbell smiled as he went back over to the Miller's (Ered's family) table leaving the two girls in an unmovable silence. Y/n finally built up the courage to excuse herself from the table and leaving the Mess Hall with ease.

Y/n closed the doors behind her and sat down on a clean patch of grass, looking down at the rims of the pink frills of her dress. She sighed as she threw her head back, resting it against the wooden walls.

When the doors opened once again she quickly sat up straight with her shoulders back, eagerly hoping it wasn't her mother trying to continue her talk with her. But when she caught a glimpse of a blue fabric, she knew who it was.

"Oh, it's just you." Y/n breathed as she rested herself back on the wall again.

"Well aren't you a ray of sunshine," Max remarked as he sat next to Y/n.

Y/n turned her head towards Max and cocked a tired brow. "What do you want?"

"What? Is it too much trouble to check up on the supposedly 'pregnant' roommate?" He teased.

Y/n's face reddened as she covered her face. "Don't remind me!" She groaned.

"I mean, hey, I must really be good-looking if your mom thinks we conceived a baby in a span of two months."

"Shut up!" She giggled as she playfully shoved his shoulder. Max smirked as he scooted a bit closer to Y/n, loosely draping his arms around her shoulders.Y/n gradually took in the comfort and rested the side of her head on his shoulder. She then asked, "Where're your parents at?"

"Well, my parents are the type of people that actually don't care about shit like this."

Y/n paused for a moment. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's fine." He shrugged. "But if I'm being completely honest, seeing how miserable your mom makes you, it kind of makes me feel better.

"My mom doesn't make me that miserable." Y/n defended.

"Oh really? I see how she treats you, Y/n. And I can surely see the pain she leaves behind with you."

"Hey, I should be grateful that my mom is here right? I mean for example; Harrison's parents are scared of him to the point that they don't even want to spend the day with him and yours aren't even here. I should be somewhat thankful that mine showed up, especially if she doesn't give a damn about any of my other events."

"But you shouldn't be if your mom is being a total bitch." He seethed.


"Ouch! Y/n, what the fuck was that for?!" Max winced as he held his throbbing forearm. Y/n got up and dusted herself off before offering a hand to the jaded boy. He looked up to see the faint smirk on her lips.

"I slapped you because I'm the only one who can call my mom a bitch behind her back, understood?"

Max grabbed her hand as she hauled him up. "Fair enough." He mumbled.



Y/n and Max sat across the room from each other. Smiling and staring at one another, adoringly.

"You okay?" Max mouthed to Y/n.

Before Y/n could respond she felt a painful jab on the side of her ribs. She gasped before looking up at her mother, taking another hit from her cigarette. "Sit up straight." She spat. " Loosing your common sense as well? What a damn disgrace."

Y/n looked back at Max with sadness glistening in her orbs, mouthing, "I'm fine."

But even Max knew she was lying.


Pages: 3.1

How are you guys enjoying this episode/chapter so far? I hope it's okay to you guy's liking because I'm having one of those breakdowns where I think my writing isn't good enough and could be better. I literally had at least 6-8 rough drafts for this chapter. And one was about 6 pages long... but no, I trashed it because I thought it wasn't good enough and who knows? Maybe it wasn't but I know I say this a lot, but I know the next chapter might be a while because on how I've been feeling. And school is kind of getting to me in a way and this whole... I don't know.. my past getting to me I guess... I don't know anymore.. my head is all fucked up right now. But I promise you that I will try to make the next chapter great!

Anyways have a nice day/night!

-YummKimchii <3

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