Getting Comfortable...

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    Author's Note: honestly guys I'm binge writing before school starts again cause that'll make me really busy :,)

A dark car rolled up through the rounded parking lot. That seemed to be a theme so far. Your knees shook and Ruby immediately headed off towards it. You followed, anxious over who was driving. Deep down, you had an assumption. Ruby reached for a back door and opened it, stood back, and motioned for you to get in. You thanked him softly while sarcastically calling him a gentleman, and hurried inside. You put the backpack between your legs again like the plane flight and snuggled down into the leather seating before strapping on the seat belt. You heard Ruby close his own door, and felt his thigh press up next to yours. He chose to sit next to you in the back seat instead of passenger. The car moved forward. You kept your gaze down at your backpack. However, Ruby was quick to say something.
    "Aren't ya gonna say hi?"
    You realized Ruby was asking you, and not the driver. Your eyes darted up over the driver's seat and spotted a tangled mess of dreads held up like a ponytail on top of the head. Your heart once again sped up. You saw a quick, fleeting grin on Scrim's face.
    "Oh! Yo, hey- yeah.. Hi. Woah..."
    Your face heated up with obvious flushes of bright red. Your tongue was tied and caught your vocal cords into a net. No recovery was possible, so you zipped your lips. Scrim, however, seemed entertained and peered through the rear-view mirror at you. Ruby flipped him off and did a large fake smile. Finally, you could at least chuckle.
    "Yo, nice to meet ya... Ruby had been tellin' me some stuff 'bout you. Then the fucker jus' left to get you suddenly. Don't mind him cuh he jus' outta his damn mind. But me however, I'm the one that'll be worth ya time.", Scrim was saying with a joking tone. Ruby rolled his eyes and glanced at his phone without a care.
    You gazed out the window and watched the surroundings slowly become more and more disheveled, and realized that the 7th Ward was still their home. Dangerous... but, nostalgic to them. You glanced back at Ruby and caught him mid-stare towards your direction. His eyes widened briefly, but he chilled down and waved. Scrim decided to speak up again in the middle of the interaction.
    "Soooooo... what's the deal...? Like, is Ruby jus' bein' a nice guy or is there gonna be some fuc-"
    "Ya know bro, maybe I just know where t' fuck she's coming from. She's at a dead end place like we were. I tol' you how we met. Just leave it alone."
    Scrim grinned widely, too widely, "I know what dat means when you get defensive..."
    Ruby waved him off with another middle finger and nudged my side, "He's a fuckin' lunatic."
    You feigned a giggled and looked away, but underneath your mood was a peak of interest by Scrim's words. Things had gotten pretty suggestive quickly, and your mind filled rapidly with graphic images. A love-sick type of dread knotted your stomach, but you threw it into denial for now. Your right leg picked up the sudden habit of tapping. You didn't want to convince yourself of any assumptions about Ruby, but Scrim's alluring smirk had begun to drive you wild while it replayed in your head.

    "Annnnnnnnnn.... we are home."
    Your head spun to inspect "home". The house, somewhat surprisingly, was humble in stature. No one would exactly suspect that these guys of all people lived there. Against a weary neighborhood, the house was slightly more well-kept with fresh white paint, clear windows, a mowed lawn, and a door that stayed on the hinges. Scrim hopped out of the driver's seat and opened your door. Your heart swayed before his direct gaze... and he winked. Your feet went to jelly, but you forced out a smile anyways and grabbed the backpack.
    Ruby grabbed the backpack from your arms right after, "Lemme take ya to the guest room."
    You followed numbly, trying to get a grasp on reality. Once inside, your mind took off. The walls were plastered in art, merchandise, and posters. Pictures of Ruby and Scrim at various tour spots lined shelves. The furniture all look well-used and cozy. You could just feel how this house fostered the persona of the $uicideboy$ suddenly. The outside was deceiving, but the inside spoke thousands more words. You passed by what must have been Ruby's room, because the walls were filled severely posters, some of which were for Dragonball Z and GT. His bed covers were thrown about and messy. A pair of handcuffs dangled off of the headboard... you hurried past, ignoring that sight, and Ruby opened the door to an odd little room. On the dresser were stacks of CDs haphazardly piled together. The walls had a few pictures of broken down buildings, probably from around the 7th ward. A shelf hung in the center of the wall at the head of the bed, with a skeleton statue on top. The skeleton was frozen in time, playing a guitar.
    "If anythin' makes ya uncomfortable I can remov-"
    "Nah, I like this how it is. I like some character."
    You grabbed the backpack from Ruby and tossed it onto the messy sheets. Finally, this was all real. You were staying inside of their house. You knew them both now. None of this could possibly be a dream, even if you willed yourself to believe it. You turned back towards an awkward Ruby and ran towards him. Before he could react, you barreled into a tight hug around his body. He jumped, but didn't make a sound.
    "I promise I won't interrupt you two when you're busy and trying to come up with shit. I won't waste your time or get in the way. I won't tell people or take advantage. I'm just going to lay low, and get out of here when I can, and thank you so much...", The words had tumbled out of you from the sheer urge of needing to give reassurance.
    Ruby's arms strained and slipped out of the hug, and then wrapped around you gently, as though you were made of glass, "Of course Y/N. Just holla though if you need anything. For real, I wanna help."
    In the distance Scrim laughed hard, "TOLE Y'ALL, gonna be fuckin'..."
    You thought Ruby would just ignore him or give that up as funny, but he turned his head with a broad and gleaming smile, "Just don't be jealous about it"- Scrim scoffed- and Ruby continued, "What? You know what it means when I get defensive, but I know what it means when you get NOSEY."
    Your throat tightened and you peered past Ruby's shoulder. Scrim stood in the living room, staring, "Whatever you say."

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