Ecstasy, and Guilt.

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Author's note: more future notes. H/C = hair color. E/C = eye color. Dunno how much I'll use those, but there ya go.

    Scrim's body shifted farther over yours while he slid underneath the edge of the blanket. You felt his body warmth creep through your shirt fabric and his weight hold you down. Your body was paralyzed by sheer shock. His lips traced the sides of your neck and he carefully bit down. Finally, you reacted with an almost inaudible gasp as a mixture of pain and pleasure swelled under the flesh of your neck. His fingers reached deep into your H/C hair and clutched your head. Gradually, your body relaxed under his and the heat on your skin slowed down to calm waves. His tongue almost artistically swept over your skin. His right hand reached down; his thumb rubbed your lower lip until your mouth parted slightly.
    By now, your eyes had adjusted to the darkness and you could see Scrim's dreads above your nose. He raised his face, and your eyes met through the darkness. His gaze bore a hole through your skull, reading carefully. His lips sank into yours, and your eyes rolled far back into your head. Your mind was sent into the void. You saw nothing, heard nothing, did nothing. You were floating in space with another mouth on yours. He bit your lip lightly between catching breaths. When your back began to arch underneath him, and his hands reached towards your chest, the world beyond your bedroom filled with noise.

    Scrim was off of you before you realized his lips were gone.

    Ruby's heavy footsteps thudded past the door, and then faded away. Scrim's face was flooded with some type of conflict. His head turned to the door, then back at you, "There's nothin', at all, goin' on between you two?"
    You sat up, beginning to shake and pushed the hair out of your eyes. You still felt the faint amounts of moisture on your neck. For a moment, you debated saying nothing, but Scrim took another step towards you with a concerned look.
    "Maybe, I dunno. If there's anything, it hasn't happened yet."
    "Ya into him?"
    Your final choice was to become silent, which spoke in itself. His shoulders slouched, "Was this pointless?"
    "No- I... I don't know what I want man."

    He sighed roughly, "Ya into me?"
    Again, you were silent.
    "I'm out then. Hit me up if ya wan'."

    Quietly, Scrim opened the door back up and left. The air became cold on queue.

    Minutes later, Ruby's footsteps came back and paused next to your door which was now slightly more open. He must have had an eye for detail. You threw yourself back underneath the blankets just before he pushed his head in and looked around. His gaze focused on you, and a low sigh echoed. His hair billowed out like smoke as his head then turned from left to right. You stopped breathing just to listen to him whisper.
    "I... swear to fuck-Scott-..."
    Ruby left, and his footsteps were deathly loud.


    You had guilt suddenly.

    Rationally, you really had no commitments. You could do as a pleased. But, could you really? Ruby had found you. Ruby had helped you. Ruby had shown you compassion. And yes, he'd been showing the most built up interest. And by the sounds of it, either Ruby was upset or this wasn't the first time Scrim had pulled this move, and he knew that by just the fucking door being messed with. Regardless, you recalled how much you had begun to care when Ruby spoke about his past and opened up. You remembered how much you wanted to be a good influence for him.

    What if you'd started something and in turn had already broken that hope?

    Your legs were on fire still, aching for a stray hand to come touch. You blushed under the blankets and tired to force any negativity out of your head. If you dared, you could pretend nothing had happened if Scrim was willing to stay silent. His scent was still fresh upon the sheets, and you buried your face against them. He'd touched you, and put his mouth across you. That was something not to be forgotten.
    Your body continued to throb until you fell back deep into sleep.

    "Aye, we're I are heading out for a bit. He and I got shit to do. I'll see ya later."

    You were instantly sitting straight up, rubbing your eyes and trying to recall where you were, "Ah- oh, okay!"

    Had he spoken to Scrim? Was something bigger happening under the surface? Or, were you still safe and under the cover of secrecy? Your tired body decided to not focus on that, and shower. You dragged your lazy ass body throughout the house attempting to find said shower. Finally, you found the humble bathroom and did your best to operate the damn thing. Showers at the houses of other people are... difficult. You missed the sensation of a warm, steaming shower after all of the time traveling. Usually, they were lukewarm or horribly cold.
    After scrubbing down thoroughly, you wrapped yourself up tightly with a towel and made sure you hadn't trashed the floor with water. Seeing it fit, you reentered the hall. Something hilariously liberating came from walking through their house in a towel. How mind-blowing was that? You skipped a little, childishly, and took closer looks at the framed pictures. Ruby and Scrim sported signature looks in most of them, or a favorite artist of theirs did. You noted again Ruby's room and peered within. Aside from his bed being slightly more messy, it looked the same. For a hellish rapper, his room suggested more of a quirky guy.
    Above his bed was a brazen centerpiece. "YOU TALKIN TO ME?" was sprawled out in broad text under a man wielding guns. You remembered seeing that one of their older music videos, and smiled. Your feet took a few more steps inside. He'd kept the Misfits poster too, as unsettling as it looked with a distorted skull face. Soon, you were standing next to his bed staring simultaneously at as much as you could. He had a fascinating mind- or at least, he had to have one in order to create such an aesthetic. You felt nostalgic over things you'd never even cared about nor heard of. His life seemed like a walking dream.
    The front door opened. Frozen, you realized you had to dash to your room. The towel wrapped around you wasn't exactly enough to be "casual", and being in someone's room like that was even more confusing. Your feet took off and busted out past the door and you spun on your heels. Standing right before you was a sleepy-eyed Ruby who must have just wanted to go back to bed. You yelped, barely able to keep the towel up, and kicked off of the ground, shooting back towards your room.

    All-the-while, he was grinning.

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