A Storm Is Set Off

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Author's Note: it's! That! Time! Time for, a LONG ASS CHAPTER !!! :) y'all are not going to want to miss this...

You woke up, arms still around Scott. His dreads were scattered all over his pillow and face. You kissed his peck and sat up. You stepped out of bed silently and opened his bedroom door. Sunlight poured in, indicating that it was probably closer to noon than morning. You stepped back into the room and pulled off a blanket to wrap yourself with. All of your clothes were still in the bathroom.
You tip-toed out of Scott's room and closed the door so that the sunlight wouldn't wake him up. The house was silent, and you decided to check on Ruby; it seemed to fair to go console him after the bitter family event. As you approached his room, a harsh and intense smell hit your nostrils. He had to be smoking a blunt- no other explanation. You opened his door and saw him sitting up in bed, laptop in his lap, and blunt hanging out of his mouth. The room was smoggy; this seemed about right considering multiple other blunts had been used to the fullest and were set aside on the nightstand.
He glanced over to you, eyebrows raised for an instant. Then, he put the blunt out and swept his hair back.
"Aye Y/N, you need something?"
You clutched the blanket tighter. For some reason, he seemed too calm. You would have expected more tension from his situation, but instead, he casually was typing away and looked to be relaxed.
"Oh... I uh-.. no, I'm just checking in."
He shrugged, "Hm? Aight then. Wanna come in?"
You nodded and opened the door further. Ruby's gaze ran along your body which was covered in the blanket. But, he was focusing on something else. You laid down on the bed nervously and looked at the laptop. He wasn't doing anything special- just browsing discographies of other artists.
Ruby sighed and pressed a hand onto your neck. You yelped and realized he was touching a bruise. When you drew away from Ruby's touch, he grabbed the blanket and tugged it down. A plethora of bruises and scratches were imbued into your skin- all from Scott. They had already begun to fade from last night, but, they were easily visible. You yanked the blanket back up instinctively, as though there was something to hide about it.
"I'm just looking damn- not mad.", Ruby pushed the laptop off of himself.
You blushed and looked away, "You've never been that keen on what Scott does to me."
"You call him Scott now? Since when?"
"He told me- uh... that he cared about me, so he didn't want me to use his stage name."
Ruby's gaze finally dimmed. The hickies hadn't set him off, but something about the emotional bond weighed more heavily. Then, he smiled faintly and pulled the laptop back onto himself.
"That's nice...", his eyelids drooped.
You were about to get up and leave to find your clothes, but Ruby spoke up again.
"Since when did he decide to be a caring person? Like, damn- he never gave a shit about no one...", Ruby said with a furrowed brow.
You sensed a tone of jealously and felt your pulse quicken.
"And not in a shady way, but you were never gonna be mine cause he had to step in and-"
"Ruby- stop. Think about it, cause, maybe he isn't just stepping in. He's sweet to me.", you tried to defend the cause.
He narrowed his eyes and looked away, "I was only saying..."
But you knew he must have had more to say. Instead, his lips locked and he typed with hard slams on the keyboard.
"Are you really in a position to be going steady with something though?", you asked tentatively.
Ruby finally sighed and rubbed his face, "Nah, I'm not. That's the thing, I should just be cooling with myself and the music. But it's not like I don't want you around. I do want that. But, I dunno, makes me feel things... I've always been the lover boy, and Scott's always been the player. He took groupies to bed to fuck them. I took them to bed to love them. Ya feel?"
You wanted to tell him that your night with Scott had been more than general fucking. He'd genuinely been human to you- or maybe a little less than human- and allowed himself to show some sorts of emotions. Yet, you could not bring yourself to discuss those details. They seemed much too personal to reveal, and you might have sparked more jealously.
"Do you think that you're letting the voices of your parents control how you feel about the situation?"
He genuinely took a moment to think about it, "Probably. How could I not? Family is important to us... Their words mean a lot. So when they spit in my face about my life, it hurts. They're some of the last people that can get into my shell and make me feel like I'm nothing. They don't mean it, but it happens."
You chewed your lip, "You don't need them for validation. You're making the money, the music, and the culture. Crowds of thousands of people can't be wrong."
"It's not about that-", he put the laptop down again and stood up, "It was personal this time... it's usually personal. They care about what I'm gonna do with myself, not my work."
When he began to walk out, you followed quickly. Scott was standing up, watching the tv with a smile plastered on his face. His mood was bright. Ruby passed him mindlessly and started putting on his shoes by the door. Scott reached out and grabbed your blanket before you could reach Ruby.
"Look at you-", he pulled you back and kissed your neck, "Guess I left some pretty lil' marks on ya."
You glanced at Ruby who stood at the door. Although he was turned away, you could tell that turmoil roared inside. His shoulders slouched. You pushed away from Scott and adjusted the blanket promptly.
"Ruby-", you reached out and grabbed his shoulder, "I wanna get dressed and come with you."
He clenched his hands into solid fists, but resisted the urge to cast you away, "Hurry up."

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