Crossing Boundaries Pt. 2

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     The water was up to your neck while you unhooked your bra and threw it onto shore next to a water-logged pair of panties. You looked back at Max with some dignity, hiding in the water.
    "There- did it."
    He swiveled in the water, still trying to find his boxers, "How's it feel for ya?"
    "You were right- natural."
    His grin only got bigger, "This is actually a great night for me. It's been work, work, work- and more work for weeks."
    You waded towards him, careful to keep the water high enough over yourself, "Same. I hated night for awhile... with the toxic fucking house. I mean, I love those guys but the world always seemed worse at night."
    He slicked back his wet hair, "It's funny cause, we're basically strangers and all of this shit is happening tonight. That's definitely embracing the unknown. Y/N, it's a good idea to embrace the unknown- like, nine out of ten times."
    As you both moved closer through the water you replied, "What about the one out of ten times when it isn't a good idea?"
    He pondered your question for a moment, "I think your gut will let you know when something isn't a good idea. Even being spontaneous has its limits."
The temperature of the water grew colder the further down it was on your body.

    While you looked down at the water, he splashed at you suddenly and took off running into deeper water.

    Spontaneous. Mhm.

    You remained crouched and dashed behind him, yelling playfully. His head momentarily spun around, and he definitely saw things he shouldn't have. You yelled harder while he laughed wildly and continued to run until the water was too deep for him to get any faster. You nearly slammed into him but put your arms out in time. The end result was a shove to his side that made him playfully yelp and tilt. He crashed back under the water and resurfaced with a leaf sticking out of his hair. You reached over and plucked it out. You ended up next to each other with the water up to your necks. Max looked away as if to be polite, still bright red.
Your toes were wedged into lake mud and brushed a stick.
"It's not so bad under the water.", Max remarked.
"I swear to fuck-"
"CALM- calm down, I'm not gonna push ya.", he was laughing again.
As if by pure spite, you dunked under the water for a split second and resurfaced quickly, splitting the salty water out and wiping your face, "AHAH- ew ew ew, I forgot this was an estuary."
Max stared out over the lake, "I wanna head out deeper cause I'm sick of the mud on my feet."
You shrugged nervously, "I uh.. don't know."
He turned to you, "Come on.. even if ya can't swim I'll just hold your hand for support. I don't wanna go out there alone though."
Your eyes drifted over each flickering speck of light on the water, rapidly blinking in and out as though the stars had fallen in and were swimming out there too with you and Max. The scenery, though once full of hunger and danger, was so oddly... beautiful tonight.
"Take me out there then.", you lifted your hand from the water and held it out.
Max grabbed your hand and kicked off of the bottom. You both slithered between gentle undulations of the water. Your feet kicked through freezing water, but all of the sensations were relaxing by now. Max didn't hesitate to really head out into the unknown, swimming into a place where during the day the water would become naturally darker from depth. He let go of your hand and floated partially on his back, and you followed the move with your arm over your chest.
He mused with words in his head before speaking, "Wouldn't it be crazy if there was sea monsters in here watching us from below?"
"Stop that! I'm having a good time, don't ruin it."
You and Max drifted around on your back, releasing the stresses of the life into the lake. Feeling rebellious, you let your arm fall from your bare chest and back into the water so you could float comfortably. Max's facial expression remarkably was unphased. He kept speaking to you as though nothing had changed.
"I'd like it if weird things lived in the ocean though, and we just haven't found them yet."
You grimaced, "You're gonna make me hate the ocean at this rate."
"Wait- hear that...?"
"Quit fucking scaring me.", you rolled your eyes.
"No- dude- Y/N!", Max hissed and swam towards you.
Now you heard it. A quiet hum was growing in volume by the second. However, there were no lights or stray movement. Max grabbed your shoulders, face staring off in the distance before shoving you under the water with him. You only struggled in his arms for a brief second before hearing that the hum was becoming a loud roar. Max pulled you down far enough into the water so that your ears ached. If it had not been for the burst of adrenaline, you wouldn't have been able to hold your breath so long.
A small motor boat with no lights whisked through the water overhead. Boats were required to have specific lights on at night, which implied something of an illegal nature must have been happening. Max's entire body pressed up behind you into a protective shell. Under the panic, your head spun from feeling his bare skin pressed into yours. The force of the boat's motor made the current below swirl. You both swayed disorientatingly, and then began to rise to the surface. Max didn't let go of you until you were both safely resurfaced.
"That's fuckin' crazy-", you choked out while gasping for air.
Max watched the boat become smaller and smaller in the horizon, "Drug boat or some shit- I dunno honestly. I don't question this place anymore. Ya okay?"
You pushed hair out of your face, "I'm fine."
Max shivered hard and lowered his face, "It's beginnin' to feel weird actually. I dunno... I don't like it."
"Getting cold?", you asked.
  He smiled awkwardly, "A bit."
  "Let's head back home then"

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